Лев Толстой

Лев Толстой. Собрание сочинений в двенадцати томах. Том 12

Издание 1984 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. В двенадцатый том собрания сочинений Льва Толстого вошли его драматические произведения такие, как "Живой труп", "Плоды просвещения" и др., а также некоторые неоконченные произведения. Содержит...

Эйдзи Есикава

Честь самурая

Роман одного из самых известных японских писателей Э.Есикавы основан на реальных исторических событиях XVI века. Главный герой романа Тоетоми Хидэеси - реальная историческая личность. Сын простого крестьянина, став самураем, провел лучшие годы жизни...

Tere Drenth

The Everything Budgeting Book: Practical Advice for Spending Less, Saving More, and Having More Money for the Things You Really Want (Everything Series)

The everyperson?s easy guide to budgeting?with 75 worksheets! Do you reach the bottom of your checking account before you reach the end of the week? Are you looking to have "more" with less cash? Budgeting doesn?t have to be...

Gerold Krozewski

Money and the End of Empire: British Economic Policy and the Colonies, 1947-1958 (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series)

This book illuminates British imperial policy after World War II in the context of economic policy and offers a novel argument about the end of the British empire. Economic discrimination in the empire in the late 1940s and early 1950s...

Barbara J. Streibel

The Manager's Guide to Effective Meetings

Now translated into 11 languages! This reader-friendly, icon-rich series is must reading for all managers at every level All managers, whether brand new to their positions or well established in the corporate heirarchy, can use a...

Richard E. Baldwin, Aymo Brunetti

Economic Impact of Eu Membership on Entrants: New Methods and Issues

This volume centres on the issues surrounding the likely economic impact that EU membership has on joining nations, with the main emphasis on new issues and methods. Given the significantly greater level of economic integration that now exists in...

Dan Briody

The Halliburton Agenda : The Politics of Oil and Money

"Having been a lifelong public servant with no business experience, Cheney was hired by Halliburton in 1995 because of his understanding of the nation?s political tendencies and his extensive contacts both on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon....

George W. Shea, George William Shea

Spoiled Silk: The Red Mayor and the Great Paterson Textile Strike

Spoiled Silk is the story of two immigrants from the Rhineland, William Brueckmann and his wife Katherine, who started a new life in America?s first industrial city, Paterson NJ, nourishing a vision of their adopted country that was never to...

Ken Blanchard, Steve Gottry

The On-Time, On-Target Manager: How a "Last-Minute Manager" Conquered Procrastination

Ken Blanchard's phenomenal bestsellers, such as The One Minute Manager and Raving Fans , have made him a globally recognized business legend. Millions look to Blanchard for innovative approaches to management, leadership, customer...

Christopher Allen, Catherine Creary, Simon Chatwin

Introduction to Relational Databases

This text provides hands-on instruction to relational database design and management using Oracle examples. The proven format features step-by-step tutorials, end-of-chapter reviews, practice questions, key term lists, and lab projects....

Истоки. Экономика в контексте истории и культуры. Альманах, №5, 2004

В очередной (пятый) выпуск альманаха "Истоки" вошли интереснейшие работы зарубежных и отечественных авторов, представляющие широкую палитру направлений экономической мысли. Впервые на русском языке публикуются знаменитая статья К.Поланьи "Аристотель...

<<<  Алексей Шельвах. Приключения англичанина             Исход к Востоку. Предлагаемая читателю книга представляет собой один из основных ... >>>

М. Б. Антипова, А. В. Верниковская, Е. С. Robin Dutt. Gilbert and George : Obsessions and Compulsions (Contemporary HANS ZIMMER (OST). THE DA VINCI CODE. Исполнитель: HANS ZIMMER (OST) Альбом: Топ Все о Линукс Российская газета Рудницкая В.Н., Юдачева Т.В.. Математика: 4 класс: Учебник для учащихся Работа Г. К. Лихтенберг. Г. К. Лихтенберг. Афоризмы Филип Дик. Всевышнее вторжение Berlioz. Requiem Op.5. Te Deum Op.22 (2 CD). На Neal Ford. No Fluff, Just Stuff Anthology: The 2007 Edition (No Т. А. Журавлева. Химия. Практические задания с ответами и Рюкзак Babolat "Team Bagpack". Рюкзак "TEAM BAGPACK" идеально Marc Shapiro. Ashton Kutcher : The Life and Loves Апорт Вести
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