Gary Clyde Hufbauer

Reforming the US Corporate Tax

Book DescriptionThe mainstay of federal business taxation, the US corporate income tax, is riddled with distortions and inequities. As a means of taxing the richest Americans?a popular goal?the corporate income tax is a hopeless failure....

Mary Shelley


Secretly, in an attic lab, a medical student creates what no man has created before. A living, breathing, giant man. It's a scientific discovery like no other. It's an electrifying, brilliant achievement. But it is a monster. A...

Artist Magazine

The Artist's Watercolor Problem Solver

Book DescriptionPublished in association with The Artist, Britain’s top magazine for amateur painters, this superbly illustrated book looks at the problems commonly encountered when painting in watercolor. Twelve professional artists...

Eaglemoss Books

Discover Watercolor

Book DescriptionDiscover Watercolor provides a practical course in painting striking watercolors. Section one, a valuable reference alone, covers the techniques for such common watercolor elements as skies, water, flowers, foliage and animals. Each...

Adele Cygelman

Secret Gardens of Hollywood : And Other Private Oases in Los Angeles

Book Description This book offers a peek into the most beautiful private gardens of Los Angeles, one of the most verdant places on earth. Life here is meant to be lived outdoors and extravagantly, and these gardens reflect the town's...

Martin Brofman

Improve Your Vision

Book DescriptionNo alternative to glasses or contact lenses? Improve your vision by looking at the psychology behind the process of seeing! We do not only see through our eyes but with our whole being: What appears in our vision is translated...


Book Description National Lampoon’s True Facts: At long last, a completely new and unique collection of National Lampoon’s wacky, true, and amazingly stupid True Facts. Brief Description: Before...

Angela Jane Fountas

Waking Up American : Coming of Age Biculturally

Book Description Waking Up American includes original work by women who are either American-born of at least one foreign-born parent or who immigrated to the United States during childhood. The writers explore what it means to feel caught...

Isobelle Carmody

Ashling (Obernewtyn Chronicles)

Book Description Reminiscent of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Darkover novels, Obernewtyn introduced Isobelle Carmody as a writer to watch and began a series of novels to entice and enthrall readers of all ages. The Farseekers ...

H. Paul Jeffers

In the Roughrider's Shadow : The Story of Theodore Roosevelt Jr. -- War Hero

Book Description Here is the extraordinary true story of Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., the son of a president who refused to languish in his father’s shadow. During World War I, Ted (as he was known) was the youngest...

И. Н. Серов

И. Н. Серов. Избранное

Любая волновая структура, входящая в состав твердого тела, несет в себе информацию о всей структуре в целом, а любое несоответствие или дефект есть нарушение образовавшейся волновой структуры. Таким образом, можно заключить, что каждое твердое...

<<<  Эберхард Штандл, Хельмут Менерт. Большой справочник по диабету             Людмила Мищенкова. Калейдоскоп творческих дел для начальной школы >>>

Банзай!. Пейнтбол - вид спорта, по которому не первый год Все о Линукс Футбол Джеффри Арчер. Ни пенсом больше, ни пенсом Поиск мета Вакансии Компьютерные новости И. А. Дмитриева, И. А. Кибальченко. Педагогика Статистика Stephen A. Ross. Corporate Finance 2nd Revised Printing Techno Zen. Part One. Need Sleep, Throbbin', МСН Акиф Пиринчи. Дуэль Социально-экономические проблемы республики Тыва в период трансформации.
Екатеринбург, Кисловодск, Якутск, Электросталь, Назрань, Ростов-на-Дону, Архангельск, Уссурийск, Иваново, ВеликийНовгород, Красноярск, Южно-Сахалинск, Сызрань, Владимир, Октябрьский, СергиевПосад, Орск, Ярославль, Благовещенск, Москва, Екатеринбург, Тула, Курган, НижнийНовгород, Чебоксары, Казань, Златоуст,
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