Christine Clark

The British Malting Industry Since 1830

Book Description Malt is the main ingredient in the national beverage, beer. For centuries the malting industry has provided a principal bridge between agriculture and the brewing industry, yet its history has been little studied. The British...

Ole Carlson

Beneath The Armor

Book DescriptionBeneath the Armor identifies seven strategies defined by your most successful peers that will provide you a road map to over come your possible isolation and scarcity of assets. Implementing the seven strategies will position you at...

Fashion and Modernity

Book Description This book tests the very definition of modernity and enhances our understanding of the role of fashion in the modern world. From top hats to locomotives, dresses to retail outlets, fashion is a prism through which modernity...

The Visual Mind II (Leonardo Books)

Book DescriptionMathematical forms rendered visually can give aesthetic pleasure; certain works of art -- Max Bill's Moebius band sculpture, for example -- can seem to be mathematics made visible. This collection of essays by artists and...

Granvil A. Pennington

Champions of Verlaine 2: Hawkwind the Bard Series--Book III Part 2

Book DescriptionBoth of the elven girls stood slowly and began casting their enchantments. Thea's spell was finished a slight bit ahead of Iliryle's and the area was suddenly brightened by a twin-pronged bolt of lighting that shot from her palm. The...

Jonathan Green

Magestorm (Warhammer)

Book DescriptionTorben Badenov and his ill-fated band of mercenaries have adventures against the backdrop of the siege of Middenheim...

Michael Eric Dyson

Mercy, Mercy Me: The Art, Loves and Demons of Marvin Gaye

Book DescriptionFrom the critically acclaimed, best-selling author of Holler if You Hear Me , a fresh reassessment of the remarkable life, art, struggles, and death of an American icon. Twenty years after his murder at the hands of his own...

Doug Radcliffe

Freelancer Strategies & Secrets

Book DescriptionExcel in a Universe of Possibilities Make your own way in the universe of opportunity that is Freelancer. Become embroiled in the politics of the fledgling galactic systems and serve the security forces, become a ruthless...

Lee Yun Hee

Demon Diary, Book 3

Book Description*Appeals to fans of Dragon Knights. *Story by LEE YUN HEE. Eclipse recalls the first time he met Raenef and realizes that the life of a demon lord is fraught with peril. Demons are feared and hated by most of humanity due to...

Shannon Holmes

Bad Girlz : A Novel

Book Description The bestselling author of B-More Careful, Shannon Holmes, delivers Bad Girlz, another wild adventure into the streets. The setting this time is the Badlands, one of the toughest and poorest communities in Philadelphia. ...

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

Medicine and Compassion : A Tibetan Lama's Guidance for Caregivers

Book DescriptionA groundbreaking new book that will help caregivers rediscover in themselves the true spirit of the helping professional, leading them to become more attentive, more kind, in a word, more compassionate....

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