Kavaljit Singh

The Globalization of Finance: A Citizen's Guide

Dragon bonds. Samurai bonds. Senior bonds. Mutual funds. Open-end funds. Closed-end funds. Global Depository Receipts. Is the IMF a UFO? (30% of Thai children think so). Here at last is a citizen’s guide to what is happening in the...

Sylvia Ostry, Alan S. Alexandroff, Rafael Gomez

China and the Long March to Global Trade: The Accession of China to the World Trade Organization (Routledge Studies in Growth Economies of Asia)

On December 11th 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). China and the Long March to Global Trade examines the prolonged negotiations leading up to this historic event. This edited collection assumes little prior knowledge of the...

Jon Schiller

The 100% Return Options Trading Strategy

Options are currently experiencing an unprecedented boom as investors and speculators begin to realize that-traded properly-these fascinating markets can offer unlimited upside potential with limited downside risk....

Nicolas Darvas

How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market

Nicolas Darvas, author of How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market, concluded that Wall Street was nothing more than a huge gambling casino. It bristled with dealers, croupiers and touts-and he explained all of this in a later highly...

David Fischman

El Camino Del Lider

Fischman presents ancestral stories of China, Japan, Africa and India, stories that work to explain leadership, and to transmit wisdom to family and loved ones. This book helps to reach personal and interpersonal leadership. We can compare our own...

Jeffrey Richter, Francesco Balena

Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

This book by two popular developer/writers takes advanced developers and software designers who use Visual Basic under the covers of the Microsoft .NET Platform to provide an in-depth understanding of its structure, function, and operational...

George W. Zobrist, Kallol Bagchi, Kishor Trivedi

Advanced Computer System Design

This text focuses on the major issues involved in computer design and architectures. Dealing primarily with systems and applications as related to advanced computer system design, it provides tutorials and surveys and relates new important research...

Dorothy Burke

How to Use Lotus Notes 5

How to Use Lotus Notes R5 presents a step-by-step full-color tutorial for beginning Lotus Notes users. This full color pictorial helps you find quick solutions for a broad variety of Notes tasks including: Reading and Managing Mail;Managing...

Leander Kahney

The Cult of Mac

No other computer inspires devotion like a Mac. The largest and most fervent subculture in computing, Mac fans come in all shapes and sizes, but never waver in their dedication. Like fans of a football team or rock band, Macintosh fans have their...

Ю. Е. Аврутин

Полиция и милиция в механизме обеспечения государственной власти в России

В книге в контексте механизма обеспечения государственной власти рассматриваются вопросы организационно-правового строительства полиции Российской империи, советской милиции, милиции Российской Федерации. Исследуются вопросы становления и развития...

Кристиан Комбаз

Властелин Урании

...Замок Ураниборг датского астронома и астролога (или астронома-астролога?) Тихо Браге. Своеобразный "мир в миниатюре", в котором начинается "крестный путь к высшей истине" не только самого Браге, но и его "ангела-хранителя" - мудрого и смешного...

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Работа Андрей Сахаров. Тревога и надежда. Один год Путешествия Stephan Schiffman. 25 Most Dangerous Sales Myths: (And How to Конференция iXBT.com Samuel Derobertis. Texas Real Estate: Principles and Practices Бесплатные объявления Яндекс Корбина Лейл Лаундес. Как говорить с кем угодно и о Топ майл.ру Анна Малышева. Любовники по наследству Маргит Сандему. Люди Льда (комплект из 12 книг) Mia Yun. Translations of Beauty : A Novel Счетчик Graham B. McBride. Using Statistical Methods Налоги России. Курс `Основы налоговой грамотности`. 10-11класс. Эта книга Транслит Виртуальные открытки S. Scott Zimmerman. New Perspectives on Microsoft PowerPoint
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