Владимир Романовский

Последний рубеж

Дмитрий Таганцев - майор секретного ракетного гарнизона - не мог даже представить, в какие кровавые передряги попадет, оказавшись участником закрытой военной программы `Орион`. В жестокой схватке за обладание новейшим сверхмощным оружием сцепились...

Michael Artis, Axel Weber, Elizabeth Hennessy

Euro : A Challenge and Opportunity For Financial Markets

In this book, leading financial professionals and academic examine the prospects for the European single currency, widely seen as heralding a 'quantum leap' for the European financial markets....

Andrea Peck

Not Just Me

One woman's career in the business world. An honest narrative about her experiences as an executive assistant, complete with the good, the bad, and the ugly....

Sue Hershkowitz-Coore

You've Got Mail: 93 Powerful Ideas to Help You Write, Respond, Manage and Market Your Emails (So You Look Good, Command Respect, and Increase Profitability)

Email has changed all the rules. Not a formal business letter, not a face to face (F2F) conversation, not a telephone call or a fax, email is both, all, and none of the above. More like a postcard but without the perfect photo, email offers the...

Allison Rossett, Kendra Sheldon

Beyond the Podium : Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World

Are you up to speed on the new directions in training and development? The digital age is infiltrating the training profession faster than most of us can stay breast of it. Beyond the Podium , winner of the ISPI Book Award, will...

Amy A. Kass

The Perfect Gift: The Philanthropic Imagination in Poetry and Prose

This collection aims at cultivating and enlightening our philanthropic imagination. Addressing us all as philanthropists, present and future--as human beings who give and serve, seeking to promote the well being of others--its readings lead us to...

Rosemary Crompton

Restructuring Gender Relations and Employment: The Decline of the Male Breadwinner

Women's employment is on the increase throughout Europe, and more women are going into managerial and professional occupations. This book investigates women's employment in Europe and explores the limits of structural change and development. It...

Not Available

Unlocking the Employment Potential in the Middle East and North Africa: Toward a New Social Contract (Orientations in Development,)

Over the next two decades, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region faces an unprecedented challenge. In 2000, the labor forces of the region totaled some 104 million workers, a figure expected to reach 185 million by 2020. With unemployment...

Paul De Grauwe

International Money: Postwar Trends and Theories

The period since the Second World war has been an eventful and often disturbing one in the international monetary field. Economic theories have been propounded and modified both to explain these events and to influence future choices made by...

Roger Scovil

Get Ahead: Scovil's 7 Rules for Success in Management

In his new book Get Ahead: Scovil's 7 Rules for Success in Management, former corporate executive Roger Scovil gives readers the inside secrets to effective and enjoyable business management. Over the course of his 46 years of diversified executive...

Ed Romney

Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition

Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled - or you just want to quit your job and remain...

<<<  Ольга Музыкина. Путеводитель по косметике             June Casagrande. Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to ... >>>

Ensemble Classique. Brassissimo - The Best Of Ensemble Class. Исполнитель: МСН Виртуальные открытки Яхо Билайн МСН SZERYNG. BERG. Исполнитель: SZERYNG Альбом: BERG Производитель: Deutsche В. Р. Захарьин. Счет 26 "Общехозяйственные расходы". Kathleen Adler, Erica E. Hirshler, H. Barbara Weinberg. Americans in Paris Ответы Gary Paul Nabhan. Conserving Migratory И-Цзин. Древнекитайская "Книга Перемен". `Когда в учение совершенномудрого Нигма
Чита, Краснодар,
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