А. Е. Кулаков, Т. И. Тюляева

Тематическое и поурочное планирование по курсу `Религии мира`. К учебному пособию А. Е. Кулакова `Религии мира`. 10-11 классы

Пособие включает подробное поурочное планирование по всем темам курса `Религии мира` и методические рекомендации для учителя. Приведены основные понятия и термины и аннотированная библиография по каждой теме. К хрестоматийным материалам даются...

А. О. Коцюбинский, С. В. Грошев

100% самоучитель бухгалтера. 1С:Бухгалтерия

Книга позволит вам самостоятельно, быстро и эффективно научиться работать с программой 1С:Бухгалтерия. Вашему вниманию предлагается описание первоначальной настройки программы и создания первичных документов. Вы узнаете о ведении журналов документов...

Западное литературоведение XX века. Энциклопедия

Энциклопедия "Западное литературоведение XX века", подготовленная Отделом литературоведения Центра гуманитарных научно-информационных исследований ИНИОН РАН, представляет панораму основных направлений, школ и теорий западного литературоведения XX...

J. Fred Weston

Mergers and Acquistions

Based on UCLA’s executive education mergers and acquisitions program, this concise guide will help professionals needing M&A knowledge understand legal and regulatory environments; how to structure deals from financial, tax, and accounting...

Larry Wilson, Hersch Wilson

Play to Win!: Choosing Growth over Fear in Work and Life

Packed with time-tested techniques and real-life case studies, this work and life field guide is based on the famous training program of the same name that has helped 250,000 participants in hundreds of major corporations learn how to succeed in...

Fred Moavenzadeh, Keisuke Hanaki, P. Baccini, Peter Baccini

Future Cities: Dynamics and Sustainability (ALLIANCE FOR GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY SERIES Volume 1)

The world's burgeoning cities are a critical fact of the 21st Century -- and represent one of the greatest challenges to the future. By the year 2050 cities with populations over three million will more than double from 70 today to over 150. The...

Andres Velasco

Economia: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association: Spring 2002 (Economia, Spring, 2002)

The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced dramatic changes in economic policy in the last decade, decisively moving toward more open market systems. The reforms have gone hand in hand with a remarkable increase in the quality...

R. I. Westwood, Stephen Linstead, Robert Westwood

The Language of Organization

The importance of communication for organizations has been an ongoing concern since management was first theorized. Yet language has tended to be viewed as simply a medium of communication - without language per se being theoretically problematized....

Paul Bausch

Amazon Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools

Amazon Hacks is a collection of tips and tools for getting the most out of Amazon.com, whether you're an avid Amazon shopper, Amazon Associate developing your online storefront and honing your recommendations for better linking and more...

Paul Bausch, Matthew Haughey, Meg Hourihan, Paul Bausch, Matthew Haughey, Meg Hourihan

We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs

Your Complete Guide to Creating and Maintaining Weblogs Weblogs offer an exciting new way to voice your opinions, share ideas with others, and help your business grow. Written by a team of weblog pioneers-the people who helped create Blogger...


PC Maintenance & Repair for A+ Certification Set 2 CD-ROM

Available in VHS or on CD-ROM, this extraordinarily comprehensive, five-part series of 20 videos has been designed to assist viewers in preparing for the new, 2001 A+ certification exam. Topics addressed span the spectrum, from number systems and...

<<<  Большой немецко-русский словарь. Предлагаемое издание Большого немецко-русского ...             June Casagrande. Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to ... >>>

Конференция iXBT.com Германн Керн. Лабиринты мира Работа Даниэль Пеннак. Камо. Идея века Геннадий Малахов. Полное очищение организма Grand Collection. Bad Boys Blue. В серии Али-Гирей. Кровь и небо шаманов. Часть 1. К истоку традиций КМ Яндекс FORELLENQUINTETT/2TRIOS/ETC.. FORELLENQUINTETT/2TRIOS/ETC. Лист Вики
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