Jeffrey Slater

College Accounting 1-12

Book Description Increase your understanding of accounting concepts! This book motivates...

Kathryn Coe

The Ancestress Hypothesis: Visual Art As Adaptation (The Rutgers Series in Human Evolution)

Book DescriptionIn our society it has long been believed that art serves very little social purpose. Evolutionary anthropologists, however, are examining a potential role for art in human evolution. Kathryn Coe looks to the visual arts of...

Mapping Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Digital Age (Writing Science)

Book DescriptionSince its publication in 1936, Walter Benjamin?s "Artwork" essay has become a canonical text about the status and place of the fine arts in modern mass culture. Benjamin was especially concerned with the ability of new...

Garrett P. Serviss

The Second Deluge

Book DescriptionOh, to think that all that beauty, all those great palaces filled with the master-works of art, all those proud architectural piles, all that scene of the most joyous life that the earth contained, is now become the dwelling-place of...

Peter Giesemann

Six Architects (Arquitectura Contemporanea)

Book DescriptionIn this extraordinary book we see the work of six Guatemalan architects, six creative voices who, in an individual or collective form, have redefined and given a poetic spatial quality to the contemporary architecture of their...

Beatrice Heywood Taylor

Cancer Prevention Cooking (Eating for Health)

Book DescriptionThis book has been compiled to help change eating patterns for the better. It combines tasty and energizing recipes with essential information on the impact of diet on cancer....

Karla L. Luxner

Delmar's Pediatric Nursing Care Plans

Book Description Delmar?s Pediatric Nursing Care Plans, Third Edition, provides detailed information on developing care plans for children with health alterations. Each care plan presents information to guide users in developing comprehensive,...

Ernest Gabrielson

Home in Ithaca: A Novel of Ancient Greece and Troy

Book DescriptionWhether the Trojan War was real or a myth, Homer's great poems, Iliad and Odyssey have enchanted readers for over 2700 years. Home in Ithaca provides a new view of Odysseus' family during his long absence....

Bill Mantlo

Fantastic Four/Spider-Man Classic TPB (Fantastic Four (Graphic Novels))

Book DescriptionMarvel movie stars past and present unite in a series of senses-shattering slugfests for the ages! At the dawn of the Marvel Age, Spider-Man meets the Fantastic Four and battles the Chameleon! Also featuring a battle royal with the...

Jerry B. Jenkins

Rescued (Kids Left Behind, 4 / Left Behind: The Kids, Books 13-16)

Book DescriptionThis series follows teens who were left behind and have nothing left but their newfound faith in Christ. Determined to stand up for God no matter what the cost, they are tested at every turn. Great for ages 12 and up. Book #4: ...

Хрестоматия по современной русской литературе для старшеклассников и абитуриентов

Хрестоматия для старшеклассников и абитуриентов по современной русской литературе впервые издается в таком составе: в ней представлены произведения мастеров отечественной словесности 60-90-х годов ХХ века, входящие в учебную программу средней школы....

<<<  Русско-испанский разговорник / Guia de conversacion ruso-espanol. Русско-испанский ...             И. А. Бунин. Темные аллеи (аудиокнига MP3) >>>

Татьяна Борщ. Полный астрологический календарь Walter J. Goralski. Juniper and Cisco Routing: Policy Clayton M. Christensen, Michael Overdorf, Macmillsn О. Величко, Д. Абезгауз, А. Кузнецова. Ювелирный маркетинг. It's a Wonderful Lie: 26 Truths About Life in Your Twenties. Топ Горячие новости. Патрик Берджин ("Возвращение Мерлина"), Дуфресне Анни РБК Даниил Хармс. Случаи и вещи - Тетрадь - Номерной Анна Ахматова. Анна Ахматова. Стихи и проза (аудиокнига CD)
Брянск, Калининград, ВеликийНовгород, Мурманск, Мурманск, СергиевПосад, Орёл, Набережные Челны, Смоленск, Энгельс, Сургут, Томск, Магнитогорск, Набережные Челны, Майкоп, Томск, Балашиха, Москв, Ростов-на-Дону, Прокопьевск, Чита, Рязань, Кисловодск, Ставрополь, Димитровград, Владимир, Южно-Сахалинск, Канск, Благовещенск,
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