Paul Teske, Samuel Best, Michael Mintrom

Deregulating Freight Transportation: Delivering the Goods (Aei Studies in Regulation and Federalism)

The transportation of freight performs a critical thinking function in the American economy. For most this century, it was heavily regulated by federal and state governments. Now most of that regulation has been greatly reduced--with the exception...

Alison J. Clarke

Tupperware: The Promise of Plastic in 1950s America

From Wonder Bowls to Ice-Tup molds to Party Susans, Tupperware has become an icon of suburban living. Invented by Earl Tupper in the 1940s to promote thrift and cleanliness, the pastel plasticwares were touted as essential to a postwar lifestyle...

Blythe Camenson

Opportunities in Summer Camp Careers

Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job...

Paul Falcone

96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire

Plenty of job titles advise on how to handle interview questions; but too few lend depth to the employer's side - what to ask, and how. Falcone's title is invaluable in telling how to organize interviews to best identify high-performance candidates...

Barry Schachter

Derivatives, Regulation and Banking

Hardbound. This volume provides high quality academic research on the ongoing, and sometimes heated, public policy debate over the benefits of bank derivatives and trading activities. This debate is centered on the potential adverse systemic effects...

Paul G., Ph.D. Keat, F. John, Ph.D. Mathis

Financial Management: The Essentials for Professionals and Students (World Class Virtual M.B.A. Series)

Book buyers get a start on their MBA via mastering the authors' first rate lectures and the accompanying reading list, trying out the course at a special Web site on-line, then receiving a $250 scholarship toward their next MBA course when they...

Larry Pesavento

Planetary Harmonics

This book provides absolutely phenomenal trend change dates, applies George Bayer's Secrets of Forecasting Prices to financial markets, proves the validity of planetary harmonics, and illustrates hidden Fibonacci ratios. It was written for 5...

Ganapathy Vidyamurthy

Pairs Trading : Quantitative Methods and Analysis (Wiley Finance)

Comprised of three information-packed parts, Pairs Trading presents an in-depth look at the various aspects of these strategies and provides quantitative tools to assist in their analysis. The first part of this comprehensive resource sets the...

Hojjat Adeli, Asim Karim

Construction Scheduling, Cost Optimization and Management

Presents a general methematical formula for the scheduling of construction projects. Using this formula, repetitive and non-repetitive tasks, work continuity considerations, multiple-crew strategies, and the effects of varying job conditions on...

Robert K. Burdette, Research & Education Association, R. K. Burdette

The Best Test Preparation for the LSAT-Law School Admission Test Test Preparations)

This test preparation book includes six full-length exams with detailed explanations modeled after the actual LSAT. Logical and analytical reasoning, reading comprehension, and writing skills are tested. For undergraduate students bound for law...

Н. Г. Кузнецов

Курсом к Победе

Книга воспоминаний бывшего Наркома Военно-Морского флота Н. Г. Кузнецова охватывает события Великой Отечественной войны от первого ее дня до окончательного разгрома гитлеровской Германии и поражения милитаристской Японии. Для полноты и цельности...

<<<  Михаил Казовский. Майор Пронина             И. А. Бунин. Темные аллеи (аудиокнига MP3) >>>

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