
Риндзай: Мастер иррационального

Ты спрашиваешь Учителя о Боге, ты спрашиваешь его о небесах, ты спрашиваешь его о теологических проблемах, а он издает крик. Твой ум получает удар. На секунду ты останавливаешься, останавливается твой ум - в этом весь секрет медитации. Ошо...

Steven L. Solnick

Stealing the State: Control and Collapse in Soviet Institutions (Davis Center for Russian Studies Series, 89)

What led to the breakdown of the Soviet Union? Steven Solnick argues, contrary to most current literature, that the Soviet system fell victim not to stalemate at the top nor to a revolution from below, but rather to opportunism from within. In three...

Walter Adams, James W. Brock

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow is a captivating dialogue between the head of a hypothetical, formerly socialist East European country and a fervently market-minded American adviser. Their spirited give-and-take highlights the monumental political...

Martin R. Doornbos

Institutionalizing Development Policies and Resource Strategies in Eastern Africa and India: Developing Winners and Losers (International Political Economy Series)

In many development contexts, there are a wide range of different agencies and arrangements constituting a virtual universe of development institutions, all of which deserve attention for their role in the politics of resource mobilization,...

Henk Folmer, H. Landis Gabel

Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics: A Guide for Students and Decision-Makers (New Horizons in Environmental Economics)

This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a classic text provides a comprehensive, non-technical overview of the principles of environmental and resource economics. The distinguished group of authors offer both an introduction to the economic...

Rob Vos, Lance Taylor, Ricardo Paes De Barros, Ricardo Paes De Barros

Economic Liberalization, Distribution and Poverty: Latin America in the 1990s

Since the late 1980s, almost all Latin American countries have undergone a series of far-reaching economic reforms, particularly in the areas of financial and capital account liberalization and trade. This book provides a comparative and analytical...


Kiribati a Spy Guide

Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

Anthony David Owen, Nick Hanley

The Economics of Climate Change (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics, 3)

With contributions from distinguished authors and covering everything you need to know about global warming and its financial implications, this readable book will appeal across the political and scientific spectrum....

Christopher Hoenig

The Problem Solving Journey: Your Guide for Making Decisions and Getting Results

An indispensable guide to the adventure of problem solving, with practical insights from the worlds of business, government, science, medicine, law, and the arts. In an economy where knowledge is power, no one can expect to succeed without the...

Thomas D. Zweifel

Communicate or Die: Getting Results Through Speaking and Listening (Global Leader Series)

Communication is so easy that even babies know how to communicate and get what they want. Or is it? Let Dr. Zweifel show you how to maximize your capacity for breakthrough performance -- simply by the way you speak and listen....

Eric Rosebrock, Sybex

Creating Interactive Web Sites with PHP and Web Services

PHP is a popular open-source web scripting language used on more than 70% of web servers. This project-based book walks you through each step of building a complete interactive web site using PHP along with MySQL Web Services. Written for HTML...

<<<  А. Ю. Прокопов. Фашисты Британии. Союз Освальда ...             И. А. Бунин. Темные аллеи (аудиокнига MP3) >>>

МСН Почта Donna Knapp. A Guide to Help Desk Concepts, Joanne Martin. Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain Игры Бойня в Пуэрто Валларта. Скотт Гленн ("Апокалипсис Поиск мета Поиск работы Поиск майл.ру Фото Хозе Сильва и Роберт Б. Стоун. Получение помощи от "другой
Рыбинск, Сургут, Нижний Тагил, Нижневартовск, Электросталь, Кострома, Ачинск, Владикавказ, Стерлитамак, Старый Оскол, Брянск, Обнинск, Элиста, Новосибирск, Пермь, Ноябрьск, Люберцы, Ухта, Тверь, Волжский, Новошахтинск, Сургут, Нижневартовск, Ижевск, Нальчик, Чита, Новороссийск, Нальчик,
Средние века (XV - XVII века)| Средние века (XV - XVII века)| Фантастические сериалы| Оперы| Кулинария| Microsoft Windows| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Общие вопросы| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Фильмы для всей семьи| Афоризмы и анекдоты| Медицина. Фармакология| Деловая пресса| Компьютер и интернет| Двадцатый век| Науки о Земле| Конструкторы мягкие| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Зарубежная фантастика| Релаксация и медитация| Социология| Нормативно-производственные документы и разъяснения к ним| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Дизайн|
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