Monroe E. Price

Media and Sovereignty : The Global Information Revolution and Its Challenge to State Power

Book DescriptionMedia have been central to government efforts to reinforce sovereignty and define national identity, but globalization is fundamentally altering media practices, institutions, and content. More than the activities of large...

Causal Mapping for Research in Information Technology

Book DescriptionCausal Mapping for Research in Information Technology provides an introduction to causal mapping for IS researchers and practitioners and goes further to provide IS researchers and practitioners everything they need to use causal...

M. Fielding

Professional Communication : How to Deliver Effective Written and Spoken Messages

Book DescriptionOffering advice and instruction to all who have to write and speak as part of their studies or careers, this book provides comprehensive information on communication principles and methods. Key topics include basic communication...

Ken Langdon

Account Management (Express Exec)

Book DescriptionThe sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have a motivated, incentivised and focused sales team well-versed in the basics of selling, from...

Молостов В.

Иглотерапия и точки акупунктуры

От издателя: Излагается методика определения функциональной деятельности акупунктурных точек. Описаны все варианты энергетической диагностики меридианов и все способы энергетического лечения болезней при помощи иглотерапии. Книга является...

Chris O'Connell

Street Trilogy : Car/Raw/Kid

Book Description The plays in O'Connell's trilogy portray the vulnerable and the violent as they lash out against the world around them. From the adrenaline-fuelled anarchy of a car theft and the ritualized violence of teenage gangs, to the new...

Mihai Nadin

Anticipation: The End Is Where We Start From

Book DescriptionIn tennis, the return of a serve is successful only through anticipatory mechanisms on the part of the defensive player. When playing the stock market, anticipation of supply and demand, price variations, and other factors is...

Tom Anderson

Art for Life

Book DescriptionBy offering practical ideas for revealing the meaning and relevance of art to humanity, this text helps art students become effective art teachers. Unlike most art pedagogy texts, Art for Life offers a holistic approach to the...

Helene Scheff

Experiencing Dance: From Student to Dance Artist

Book DescriptionExperiencing Dance: From Student to Dance Artist will walk your students through the process of becoming well-rounded dancers and deepen their understanding of dance as an art form. Systematic in its approach, Experiencing Dance:...

John W. Stamper

The Architecture of Roman Temples: The Republic to the Middle Empire

This book examines the development of Roman temple architecture from its earliest history in the sixth century BC to the reigns of Hadrian and the Antonines in the second century AD. John Stamper analyzes the temples' formal qualities, the public...

Julian May

Conqueror's Moon (Boreal Moon)

Book DescriptionThe four kingdoms in the Boreal Sea that have clashed since time out of mind. But Prince Conrig of Cathra--who waits patiently as his father, the king, slowly dies--is in league with his lover, the seductive sorceress Princess...

<<<  А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Читают актеры ...             И. А. Бунин. Темные аллеи (аудиокнига MP3) >>>

Элиза Прати. Лучшие фокусы и эксперименты Рейтинг Виктор Маргерит. Моника Лербье. Тайные Поиск мета D. E. Moggridge. Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography Enigmatica. 50 Tracks (mp3). 4 часа и 20 минут позитивного РБК DON PASQUALE (GA). DON PASQUALE (GA) А. Н. Сухов. Социальная психология преступности John Darling. Woman in Black Дженнифер Хей. Избавьтесь от аллергии Сюжеты, №11. Сборник театральных пьес. Фото Jeff Carlson. Making a Movie in iMovie HD and iDVD 5 : Visual Работа Hidetaka Yoshimatsu. Japan and East Asia in Transition: Игры Яхо The Residents. Not Available. Проект "The Residents" является,
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