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McKinsey & Company, F. Budde, G. A. Farha, H. Frankemolle, D. F. Hoffmeister, K. Kr?mer Value Creation: Strategies for the Chemical Industry
Corporate performance has increasingly come to be judged by shareholder value in the last few years, and chemical companies are among those embracing the trend. Written by an international team of leading experts from the prestigious top management...
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Bob Pike, Christopher Busse 101 More Games for Trainers: Another Collection of the Best Activities from Creative Training Techniques Newsletter
Now Bob Pike brings you 101 More Games for Trainers. This is your source-book for engaging participants while they are in your clasroom. You'll find dozens of games, excercises and activities specifically designed to bring a weary group back to...
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Ron Kaufman Up Your Service Insights
Amazing stories of spectacular service ? and how you can do it, too. Real drama and trauma of service disasters ? and what you must avoid. Key lessons and learning points to motivate your staff, build your service culture, and keep your...
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Dave Stein How Winners Sell: 21 Proven Strategies to Outsell Your Competition and Win the Big Sale, Second Edition
Harness the power of information to outsell the competition. It has become a buyers' world. Salespeople are faced with a proliferation of competitors, commoditization of their products and services, reduced customer budgets, and...
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Bob Hammond Life After Debt: Free Yourself from the Burden of Money Worries Once and for All
Are you tired of being turned down for credit because of negative info in your files? Now you can learn the secrets used by pros to erase bad credit from your files and start over. This complete guide was written to meet the needs of everyone,...
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Michael J. Cunningham B2B: How to Build a Profitable E Commerce Strategy
B2B presents the first definitive blueprint for creating a profitable business-to-business e-commerce strategy. Showcasing successful initiatives designed by industry leaders such as Cisco Systems and Dell Computer, as well as lesser-known...
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Adam Watkins, Chris Neuhahn The Maya 6 Handbook (Graphics Series)
Maya® is one of the most widely used 3D animation programs available. It is used in every major movie and by most special effects and game studios. With its new competitive pricing, its user base continues to grow, and with each new release,...
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E. Reed Doke, John W. Satzinger, Susan Rebstock Williams, David Douglas E. Reed Doke Object-Oriented Application Development Using Visual Basic .NET
Take the Object-oriented approach! Utilize Microsofts powerful new development language, Visual Basic .NET, to explore Object-oriented programming with Object-oriented system development. Perfect for the CIS/MIS student....
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Ken England, Nigel Stanley SQL Server 7.0 Handbook : A Guide to Microsoft Database Computing
Let the experts help you work smarter with the new SQL Server. The SQL Server 7.0 Handbook concisely and authoritatively explains how to design, implement, administer, and tune Microsoft's powerful new database management system for Windows...
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Мой Питер. Эссе финских авторов
Книга предлагает вниманию читателя несколько работ победителей конкурса, объявленного в 2002 г. финским обществом "Пиетари-сеура" на лучшее сочинение, посвященное 300-летию Петербурга. Это своего рода топохронический портрет города: здесь можно...
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В. К. Агафонов Настоящее и прошлое Земли (Популярная геология)
1895 год, Санкт-Петербург, Типография И. Н. Скороходова. Владельческий переплет, кожаный бинтовой корешок. Сохранность раритета очень хорошая. С 237 рисунками в тексте. Составил В.К.Агафонов. На титульном листе книги две печати...
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Домой Chen/Jhabvala/K. Membership Based Organizations
Антифоменковская мозаика - 3. С появлением третьей книги
Валентин Николаев. Выбор пищи - выбор судьбы
А. П. Чехов. Драма на охоте (аудиокнига
Г. А. Кнабе. Adobe Photoshop CS2. Эффективное руководство для новичков
Krzysztof Cwalina, Brad Abrams. Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions,
Все о Линукс
Обнинск, Санкт-Петербург, Артём, Березники, Нижневартовск, Грозный, Обнинск, Каменск-Уральский, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Челябинск, Коломна,
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