George R.R. Martin

Wild Cards, Volume 16: Deuces Down (Wild Cards Vol XVI)

Book Description On September 15, 1946, a biological weapon created by an alien race was accidentally detonated above the streets of New York City, killing countless numbers of men, women, and children. But those who survived...

Anton Chekhov

A Life in Letters (Penguin Classics)

Book Description From his teenage years in provincial Russia to his premature death in 1904, Anton Chekhov wrote thousands of letters to a wide range of correspondents. This fascinating new selection tells Chekhov?s story as a man and a...

Darryl Glenn Nettles

African American Concert Singers Before 1950

Book DescriptionMarian Roberts, Roland Hayes, and Paul Robeson were among the most visible early African American concert singers, but they were not the only ones. Many others were involved in the arts as concert singers and, given the times in...

Joseph Quitman Johnson

Baby of Bataan: Memoir of a 14 Year Old Soldier in World War II

Book DescriptionA sweet musty tropical smell hung over the city of Manila in the spring of 1941. It was a city of warm monsoon winds, cold San Miguel beer, cabarets, and slender girls with hinting eyes. It was a plum duty station for professional...

Caroll Congleton

Tunnel Through Time : The Riddle and the Race

Book DescriptionThrust back in time one thousand years, two boys accompanied by an irrepressible keeshond, must use every skill they possess, and courage they didn't know they had if they are to survive. They are pursued by a murderer, instigate a...

Geralyn Lucas

Why I Wore Lipstick : To My Mastectomy

Book Description A soulful, surprising coming of age journey by a dynamo who used her own adversity as a platform for examining issues all young women face. Having finished journalism school and landed her dream job at age 27, the last...

Reinhard Strohm

The Rise of European Music, 1380-1500

Book DescriptionThis is a detailed and comprehensive survey of music in the late middle ages and early Renaissance....

Douglas Bruster

Drama and the Market in the Age of Shakespeare (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)

Book DescriptionDouglas Bruster's provocative study of English Renaissance drama explores its links with Elizabethan and Jacobean economy and society....

Start-to-Finish Decks

A comprehensive guide, covering everything from deck-planning concepts through building skills and everyday maintenance solutions. Complete plans for a variety of deck projects to fit common needs. Packed with helpful tips and insights from...

Валентин Рич

Я - энциклопедия

Перед вами мемуары, но не обычные. Эта новаторская по своему жанру книга представляет собой как бы постмодернистский вариант таких сочинений. В ней содержится оригинальная, часто парадоксальная информация о мире, в котором мы живем, как его видит и...

Н. Д. Яковлев

Об артиллерии и немного о себе

Автор в июне 1941 года стал начальником Главного артиллерийского управления РККА и все годы Великой Отечественной войны руководил этим важным органом, связывавшим Ставку ВГК и генеральный штаб с наркоматами и заводами, и осуществлявшим обеспечение...

<<<  Т. Б. Рубинштейн, О. В. Мирошкина. Пластиковые ...             Mark Tribe, Reena Jana. New Media Art >>>

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