Роджер Желязны

Князь Света

В этот том собрания сочинений знаменитого американского писателя-фантаста Роджера Желязны (1937 - 1995) вошли фэнтезийные произведения автора, написанные им на основании древних эпосов и мифологических циклов....

Steven E. Landsburg

Armchair Economist: Economics And Everyday Experience

Witty economists are about as easy to find as anorexic mezzo-sopranos, natty mujahedeen, and cheerful Philadelphians. But Steven E. Landsburg...is one economist who fits the bill. In a wide-ranging, easily digested, unbelievably contrarian survey of...

Donald M. Topkis

Supermodularity and Complementarity

The economics literature is replete with examples of monotone comparative statics; that is, scenarios where optimal decisions or equilibria in a parameterized collection of models vary monotonically with the parameter. Most of these examples are...

Zuhayr Mikdashi, William C. Hunter

Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Political Economy and Management

The world's financial landscape is transforming as economies become increasingly interdependent. In Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization , Zuhayr Mikdashi examines the role of public authorities and of business...

Daniel Carlson, Lisa Wormser, Cy Ulberg

At Road's End: Transportation and Land Use Choices for Communities

At Road's End is a timely guide to a new era of holistic transportation. It presents new models for transportation planning, describes effective strategies for resolving community disputes, and offers inspiration by clearly demonstrating that new...

Janis Landis

All the Right Moves: A Financial Road Map for the College Senior and New Graduate

All the Right Moves: A Financial Road Map for the College Senior and New Graduate is a clear, cogent, guide to personal finance for Generations X and Y. With a light, often amusing style, the book covers investments, taxes, repaying student...

Michele Fratianni, Dominick Salvatore, Paolo Savona

Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System

Approximately two years ago, the Guido Carli Association charged a group of distinguished economists with studying various aspects of the international monetary system and proposing ways to improve it. The studies were presented at a conference in...

Beverly A. Browning

How to Become a Grant Writing Consultant

This is the FIRST "how-to" book for the field of grants consulting. If you are looking for a start-up guide to enter this emerging home-based business, then this book is the one for you! This book is for budding entrepreneurs who are amazed, dazed...

Niels Haering, Niels Da Vitoria Lobo

Visual Event Detection

This book is one of the first books to focus on visual event detection. It demonstrates that computer vision research has matured to a point where meaningful visual event detection can be achieved. The authors propose that the exact object and...

John Muylopolous, Michael Brodie, John Mylopoulos

Readings in Artificial Intelligence and Databases

The interaction of database and AI technologies is crucial to such applications as data mining, active databases, and knowledge-based expert systems. This volume collects the primary readings on the interactions, actual and potential, between...

S. G. Tzafestas, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos, Spyros G. Tzafestas

Fuzzy Reasoning in Information, Decision, and Control Systems (International Series on Microprocessor-Based and Intelligent Systems engineEring, Vol)

This book is devoted to the study of fuzzy reasoning as applied to decision making and control processes. It contains a collection of important contributions covering a wide well-selected range of topics within the field. The book contains...

<<<  В. Д. Плонский. Разведение аквариумных рыб             Mark Tribe, Reena Jana. New Media Art >>>

А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Собрание сочинений Roxanna Ryder. Chasing the King Victoria Ullmann. Labor and Employment Law (The West Яндекс Почта Яхо Поиск майл.ру Одноклассники Archage Morelli. Le vicaire - 1. Les yeux de sainte Lucie Статистика Гогле Дж. Кришнамурти. Зеркало отношений: любовь, John Alexander. Cisco CallManager Fundamentals : Т. Н. Богатова. TeachPro. Итальянский для детей (+ CD-ROM) Вики Топ майл.ру Л. О. Филатова. Развитие преемственности школьного и вузовского Steven S. Eggland, Les R. Dlabay, James L. Счетчик Великие имена, №15, 2007. Издание посвящено знаменитому живописцу Автоблокнот "Ока" (на спирали). Вашему вниманию предлагается
Грозный, Великие Луки, Норильск, Березники, Щёлково, Альметьевск, Саратов, Омск, Челябинск, Курган, Улан-Удэ, Москва, Междуреченск, Златоуст, Курск, Невинномысск, Курск, Мытищи, Хасавюрт, Копейск, Уссурийск, Элиста, Новошахтинск,
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