Noel M. Tichy, Nancy Cardwell

The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win

In "The Leadership Engine", Noel Tichy showed how great companies strive to create leaders at all levels of the organization, and how those leaders actively develop future generations of leaders. In this new book, he takes the theme further, showing...

Richard N. Diggs

Finding Your Ideal Job

The most comprehensive job-search book ever written...

Truman C. Surbrook, Jonathan R. Althouse, Jonathon Althouse

Interpreting the National Electrical Code

Fully updated and based on the 2002 NEC®, the sixth edition of Interpreting the National Electrical Code® continues to offer valuable insights into 100% of the articles in the Code, explaining each in detail and offering practical examples...

David Asch, Brian Wolfe

New Economy--New Competition: The Rise of the Consumer?

The new economy has given rise to new forms of competition. This book provides a rich mix of theory, research, and practice that will be accessible to managers wishing to understand how competition works. Competition, the roles of consumers,...

Gary Cokins

Activity-Based Cost Management in Government

Everything You Need to Streamline Agency Costs and Expenditures You've heard about the enormous savings potential of Activity-Based Cost Management (ABC/M) - now it's time to put this powerful system to work in your organization. Get started...

International Hospitality Industry : Structure, Characteristics and Issues

With contributions from leading figures in the field The International Hospitality Industry looks at both specific sectors of the industry, such as restaurants, cruises, hotels and contract foodservice. The book moves on to highlight...

Kevin H. O'Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson

Globalization and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Economy

Globalization is not a new phenomenon, nor is it irreversible. In Gobalization and History, Kevin O'Rourke and Jeffrey Williamson present a coherent picture of trade, migration, and international capital flows in the Atlantic economy in the century...

International Business Publications USA, USA International Business Publications

Gibraltar Offshore Investment and Business Guide (World Offshore Investment and Business Library)

Detailed information on conducting offshore business and investment activity in the country. Updated annually, available on a CD-ROM....

Lynne Brydon, Karen Legge

Adjusting Society: The World Bank, the Imf and Ghana (International Library of African Studies, 5)

Since 1983 Ghana has become a test case of the efficacy of the World Bank and the IMF's stabilization and adjustment-based lending policies. The government has "bitten the IMF bullet" with a vengeance, with deregulated currency, liberalized...

Leonard Shatzkin

The Mathematics of Bookselling

"Shatzkin's brilliant statistical analysis of bookselling offers us a dramatic challenge to focus on turnover for higher profits. I recommend this book." Andy Ross, Cody's Bookstore, Berkeley, California "In...

Anthony Young

Land Resources: Now and for the Future

Unless action is taken, the developing world will face recurrent problems of food security and conflict. This volume provides a summary and perspective of the field of land resources and suggests improvements needed to conserve resources for future...

<<<  Бухгалтерский учет в сельскохозяйственных организациях. Изложены основные ...             Martin Alemann. Why Do Some Animals Eat Their ... >>>

Гогле Юрий Клименченко. Жизнь и приключения Лонг Алека Работа Российская газета Н. Н. Зарубина. Социология хозяйственной жизни Roger Jennings. Introducing Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 Русское радио Стюарт Хоум. 69 мест, где надо побывать В. Сутеев. Времена года Новости Учись считать. Игра на магнитах. Игра "Учись считать" представляет Gideon Defoe. The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists: A Novel Рамблер Рататуй. Специальное подарочное издание. Игра "Рататуй" Яндекс Билайн Бесплатные объявления Вакансии А. Митрофанов. Городские прогулки. Владимиръ Peter J. Wallison. Optional Federal Chartering and Regulation of Insurance Компьютерные новости
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