Monica Hale, Mike Lachowicz

The Environment, Employment and Sustainable Development

In recent years the environment has become an increasingly important issue in many sectors of society, from business and industry to community and government. This wide-ranging collection features contributors from the UK, Spain, Switzerland,...

C. Corsi, Ali Akhumov, Carlo Corsi

Innovation and Market Globalization

The Book after a general introduction with a deep analysis of Globalization in its positive and negative aspects, analyses opportunities and threats risen by Market Globalization and Innovation in Central Asian Countries. Particularly experts from...

Gary Klopfenstein

Fx: Managing Global Currency Risk : The Definitive Handbook for Corporations and Financial Insitutions (Glenlake Business Monographs)

FX: Managing Global Currency Risk covers basic and advanced strategies for risk management and profit maximization in the global foreign exchange markets on both theoretical and practical levels. Topics include: plain vanilla and exotic hedging...

B. J. Hodge, William P. Anthony, Lawrence M. Gales

Organization Theory: A Strategic Approach (6th Edition)

This popular book takes a combination strategic/systems approach to the study of organization theory. Completely updated with current cases and examples, the 5th Edition now offers the expertise of co-author Lawrence Gates who has given the...

David E. Card, Rebecca M. Blank

Finding Jobs: Work and Welfare Reform

Finding Jobs is an informative and wide-ranging inquiry into the issues raised by welfare reform. Although the research presented in this book demonstrates that it is possible to find jobs for people who have traditionally relied on public...

Toni Hodges

Linking Learning and Performance: A Practical Guide to Measuring Learning and On-the-Job Application

While return-on-investment measurement programs have gained wide acceptance and popularity over the last few years, two key components to successful program evaluation are often neglected: learning and performance evaluation. This book...

Villy Bergstrom, Anders Vredin

Measuring and Interpreting Business Cycles (Fief Studies in Labour Markets and Economic Policy)

This groundbreaking contribution to the business cycle literature combines a systematic empirical investigation into the characteristics of business cycles with a review of general theories of their patterns and dynamics. The contributors have...

Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, Fourth Edition

Security breaches, theft, and lack of resources due to natural or man-made disaster are all forms of corporate loss. The Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, Fourth Edition , shows how to avoid or minimize these losses with a...

U.S. Embassy Rome

Country Commercial Guide: Italy (Country Commercial Guides)

Italy, with world?s sixth largest industrial economy, remains in the midst of a process of political and economic transformation. The Italian government continues on a path of budget austerity and privatization, reducing its significant role in...

Debby Russell, Sr. G.T Gangemi

Computer Security Basics

There's a lot more consciousness of security today, but not a lot of understanding of what it means and how far it should go. This handbook describes complicated concepts, such as trusted systems, encryption, and mandatory access control, in simple...

Terry T. Wohlers

Applying AutoCAD: A Step-By-Step Approach for AutoCAD Release 14, Student Text (Softbound)

Applying AutoCAD®: A Step-By-Step Approach ©1998 is a work-text based on the AutoCAD Release 14 computer-aided drafting and design software. It's fully compatible with personal computers running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95....

<<<  И. В. Савельев. Курс общей физики. Книга 5. Квантовая оптика. Атомная физика. ...             Martin Alemann. Why Do Some Animals Eat Their ... >>>

Погода Поиск майл.ру Александр Полукаров. Покоряющие с неба. На земле это называют фантастикой Работа Путешествия Юлиан Левчук. Красавицам России Лента Ответы Владимир Высоцкий. Я родом из детства. Том 17. Братские могилы; Игры Шесть новых шведских пьес. В этом сборнике представлены пьесы современных И. А. Гончаров. И. А. Гончаров. Собрание сочинений Конференция Entrepreneur Press. How to Start a Business in Alabama Orison Swett Marden. Economy: The Self Ливе Г. С. Староверова, А. Ю. Медведев, И. В. Сорокина. Красота по-английски. Руперт Эверетт ("Идеальный Билайн Тарас Шевченко. Кобзарь КМ Билайн
Энгельс, Уссурийск, Брянск, Ухта, Северодвинск, Барнаул, Махачкала, Кисловодск, Камышин, Саратов, Подольск, Уссурийск, Химки, Тюмень, Москва , Ангарск, Нефтеюганск, Ачинск, Новошахтинск, Саратов, Курган, Новотроицк, Дзержинск, Рыбинск, Артём, Уссурийск, Тула, Иваново,
Исторические приключения| Учебные фильмы по школьным предметам| Отечественная фантастика| Биографии композиторов| Актеры.| Кулинария. Напитки| Экономический анализ, оценка и планирование| Физико-математические науки| Теория перевода. Переводоведение| Искусство и культура| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Маркетинг. Реклама| Биографии художников| Энциклопедические словари| Компьютерные игры| Наборы фокусов| Графика| Рок-н-ролл| Вестерны| Промышленность. Энергетика|
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