Frances Barber

The Taming of the Shrew (Arkangel Shakespeare)

Book DescriptionPetruchio's tough-love transformation of the shrewish Kate from fishwife into loving wife is the heart of this classic comedic romp, which contains some of Shakespeare's wittiest verbal battles....

Camper English

Party Like a Rockstar : Even When You're Poor as Dirt

Book Description Yesterday I ate two free meals, took two free shuttles, made a bunch of personal copies on someone else's machine, received a comped CD in the mail and saw the Stereolab show from the VIP section while sucking back...

Scott Kaiser

Mastering Shakespeare: An Acting Class in Seven Scenes

Book DescriptionWho says only the British can act Shakespeare? In this unique guide, a veteran acting coach shatters that myth with a boldly American approach to the Bard. Written in the form of a play, this volume's "characters" include a master...

Jonathan M. Woodham

A Dictionary Of Modern Design

Book DescriptionFrom Jacobsen to Tupperware, this fascinating new dictionary of Modern Design covers the period from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth. Over 2,000 entries on names and movements from the past 150 years of design...

Frederic A. Sharf

A Much Recorded War: The Russo-Japanese War in History And Imagery

Book DescriptionAt the dawn of the 20th century, the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) became a worldwide political focal point. The war, marked the rise of Japan as a world power, paved the way for the Russian Revolution, and made Theodore Roosevelt the...

Robin McKinley


As Princess Lissar reaches womanhood, it is clear to all the kingdom that in her breathtaking beauty she is the mirror image of her mother, the queen. But this seeming blessing forces her to flee for safety from her father's lust and madness. With...

Sara Douglass

Gods' Concubine (The Troy Game, Book 2)

From ancient Greece they came, remnants of the glorious Trojans. Led by Brutus, Kingman, holder of the bands of gold that wield the very magic of the Gods, these travelers are bowed but not broken, and they have come to Albion to begin anew. A...

S. J. Reisner

Left Horse Black

Book DescriptionFor centuries, the zealot Kersian sorcerers have abducted innocent women and children for sacrifice to their 'no name' god, and have waged war upon Danaria's sorcerers. Now, they are covertly usurping the thrones of human-ruled...

Carles Broto

New Domestic Interiors

Book DescriptionThe meticulously selected collection of home interiors projects found in this book provides detailed technical documentation on floor plans, sketches, materials, and architectural processes for interiors. The focus of the book is on...

Douglas Coupland

Eleanor Rigby : A Novel

Amazon.comLiz Dunn isn't morbid, she's just a lonely woman with a very pragmatic outlook on life. Overweight, underemployed, and living in a nondescript condo with nothing but chocolate pudding in the fridge, she has pretty much given up on anything...

Antoni Muntadas

Antoni Muntadas: On Translation

Book DescriptionFrom one language to another, one voice through a telephone through an ear into an email through a fax machine via a satellite hookup, a third language, a photograph and four hybrid cultures ... you know what I mean. Problems of...

<<<  Дмитрий Вересов. У Терека два берега…             Martin Alemann. Why Do Some Animals Eat Their ... >>>

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