Andrew Pettigrew, Howard Thomas, Richard Whittington

Handbook of Strategy and Management

This Handbook presents a major retrospective and prospective overview of the strategic management field and will be an important "benchmark" volume for management scholars worldwide. The Handbook frames, assesses and...

Ralph D. Stacey

Managing the Unknowable : Strategic Boundaries Between Order and Chaos in Organizations (Jossey-Bass Management Series)

It's What You Don't Know That Counts Discover the important roles chance and uncertainty play in successful strategic planning. In this ingenious work, author Ralph D. Stacey shows managers how their companies can benefit from the...

Powell. Caleb, Caleb Powell

The World is a Class: How and Why to Teach English Around the World

The World is a Class is an invaluable guide to teaching English as a second language. Caleb Powell has taught in Korea, the Middle East and South America. He knows how to find and keep a job, how to negotiate a contract and how to deal with culture...

Keith E. Maskus, John S. Wilson

Quantifying the Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade: Can It Be Done? (Studies in International Economics)

This book provides an up-to-date discussion of economic issues involved in analyzing regulations of product quality and performance in international trade. Among the issues addressed in this collection are restrictions on genetically modified...

Jonathan F. Hutchings

Project Scheduling Handbook

Includes a disk containing summary reports of a CPM network schedule that allows the user to gain proficiency in professional project scheduling. Key chapters discuss construction contract law, preconstruction planning, and risk management....

Arpad Gaal

ISO 9001:2000 for Small Business: Implementing Process-Approach Quality Management

ISO 9001:2000 for Small Business Management: Implementing Process-Approach Quality Management demonstrates how a process-approach quality management system performs in the real work environment. The book gives you an ISO based quality management...

Frances Anne Hernan, Faye Schliep

The ABC's of Credit: Too Much Information--Not Enough Time to Read the Small Print

The ABC's of Credit is essential reading for people interested in ideas and information regarding the many aspects of credit. This is not a book written by financial experts telling you how to invest for the future. Long term planning begins with...

Carolyn Purnell

The New Manager's 25 Indispensable Rules for Success

A book of inspiration, guidelines, and good advice for those new the vagaries of successful management....

Robbin Obomsawin

The Not So Log Cabin: Log-Element Building & Design

Long known for her expertise in log construction, Robbin Obomsawin shakes things up in her newest book The Not So Log Cabin, which looks at how to incorporate simple log elements into any home. A fresh take on a favorite architectural style, The...

Jagdish S. Gundara

Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion

`Jagdish S Gundara's own early experiences have given him unique insights into both the problems and the possibilities of relationships between cultures. His book reflects a life dedicated to fostering positive intercultural relations and provides...

Xristine Faulkner

The Essence of Human-Computer Interaction

This is a complete, practical guide to building computer systems that interact well with human beings and serve their needs.This interdisciplinary guide to human-computer interaction covers all the topics system designers need to know about,...

<<<  Братья Гримм. Домовые             Martin Alemann. Why Do Some Animals Eat Their ... >>>

Николь Розен. Марта Фрейд Г. В. Железняк. Самое интересное о... космосе SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI. DONI:L'ELISIR D'A. Исполнитель: SUTHERL. PAVAROTTI Чат В. Курбатов. Петербург. Художественно-исторический Бесплатные объявления Владимир Колычев. Эх, Люба, Любонька! Почта Шекспир У.. Сонеты Бесплатные объявления Thomas Kropf. Introduction to Formal Hardware Verification Транслит Коллекция Ингрид Бергман. Милый сэр. Кэри Грант ("Филадельфийская Mike James. Microcontroller Cookbook The Labor Market for Attorneys in the State of California: Past, Present, Футбол А. А. Абрашкин, Е. И. Якубович. Вихревая Ион Славич. Клад. Счастливая мельница
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