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Детская литература
В учебнике рассматривается художественная литература, специально предназначенная для детей или вошедшая в детское чтение. Важнейший материал представлен в обзорных и монографических главах: устное народное творчество, возникновение и развитие...
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Michael Perelman Transcending the Economy: On the Potential of Passionate Labor and the Wastes of the Market
Transcending the Economy explores the reasons why our economy fails to provide a more fulfilling way of life. Michael Perelman argues that the irrational dominance of markets imposes burdens of needless waste and lost potential, and...
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Rob Lebow, William L. Simon Lasting Change the Shared Values Process That Makes Companies Great
"Rob Lebow and William Simon are on the money. Lasting Change is the only way to go and it can only happen through shared values. Lasting Change is just great—a must read!"— Ken Blanchard, Chairman and CEO, Blanchard Training &...
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Kenneth Jedding Real Life Notes: Reflections and Strategies for Life After Graduation
This book is for twentysomethings who are asking "What now?" There's information that can help you take a deep breath and get started on the right track, even if you're not exactly sure what track you're on. Real Life Notes offers advice in the...
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Alternative Link The State Legal Guide to Nursing
The State Guide to The Legal Scope of Practice for Nursing is an invaluable tool for nurses, claims adjustors and affiliated managed care organizations. This annual guide's state-by-state breakdowns of specific practice guidelines clearly outlines...
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Robert Slater The Titans of Takeover
This revealing account deals not only with those giant figures who perpetrated takeovers, but also with other featured players: investment bankers, attorneys, and arbitrageurs....
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Christer Jonsson, Sven Tagil, Gunnar Tornqvist Organizing European Space
This book combines perspectives from political science, history and geography to provide a comprehensive introduction to 'Europe' or European space as we understand it today. Central to the book is the phenomenon of the sovereign state and...
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Kennith G. Hunter Interest Groups and State Economic Development Policies
Confident in the knowledge that the U.S.was the dominant world economic power, state leaders paid little attention to economic development after World War II. Then, with increasing competition from Asia, Germany, and South America, the recession of...
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Franklin R. Root Entry Strategies for International Markets
Sage Advice on Going Global Root's perspective is extremely insightful, and clearly the work of one who knows his topics from personal experience. It encapsulates what some of us have taken decades to learn through trial and error. ...
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R. Guesnerie Assessing Rational Expectations: Sunspot Multiplicity and Economic Fluctuations
In this book Roger Guesnerie contributes to the critical assessment of the Rational Expectations hypothesis (REH). He focuses on the multiplicity question that arises in (infinite horizon) Rational Expectation models and considers the implications...
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Martin A. Krist Effective Use of Teams for IT Audits
Most organizations find that an empowered team will improve the effectiveness of the IT auditing function. Such a team has the appropriate authority, resources, and skills to perform a project, determine the solution, and implement that solution...
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Домой ЖЖ
Stephen H. Webb. On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion
Jack Cole. The Classic Pin-Up Art of Jack Cole
Технология конструкционных материалов. Даны основные
Даниил Хармс. Кораблик
Н. А. Исаев. Сексуальные преступления как объект криминологии
Г. В. Алексеев. Формирование и динамика современного
Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Кызыл, Ростов-на-Дону, Ачинск, Псков, Челябинск, Обнинск, Нальчик, Владикавказ, Тверь, Орехово-Зуево, Ноябрьск, Ангарск, Новочебоксарск, Балаково, Абакан, Ноябрьск, Черкесск, Майкоп, Новосибирск, Псков, Элиста, Кисловодск, Орск,
Черные детективы (film noir)| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Рыбалка| Кредит. Аренда. Лизинг| Загадки, кроссворды| Декоративно-прикладное искусство. Дизайн| Коллекции изображений|
книжный москва, книги интернет магазин, книжная ярмарка, |