David Holman, Toby D. Wall, Chris W. Clegg, Paul Sparrow, Ann Howard

The New Workplace : A Guide to the Human Impact of Modern Working Practices

We are all increasingly familiar with modern business terms such as total quality management, just-in-time production, e-business, lean manufacturing and teleworking. But what really lies behind these terms and what effect do these and other new...

Karl Gerth

China Made: Consumer Culture and the Creation of the Nation (HARVARD EAST ASIAN MONOGRAPHS)

"Chinese people should consume Chinese products!" This slogan was the catchphrase of a movement in early twentieth-century China that sought to link consumption and nationalism by instilling a concept of China as a modern "nation" with...

James M. Greenfield

The Nonprofit Handbook : Fund Raising (AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series) (The AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series)

The Third Edition of this invaluable handbook provides a complete overview of the entire development function, from management and strategic planning to hands-on, practical guidance for the various kinds of fundraising. Written by leading...

Karen Tranberg Hansen

Salaula: The World of Secondhand Clothing and Zambia

When we donate our unwanted clothes to charity, we rarely think about what will happen to them: who will sort and sell them, and finally, who will revive and wear them. In this fascinating look at the multibillion dollar secondhand clothing...

Harald Kosch

Distributed Multimedia Database Technologies Supported by MPEG-7 and MPEG-21

A multimedia system needs a mechanism to communicate with its environment, the Internet, clients, and applications. MPEG-7 provides a standard metadata format for global communication, but lacks the framework to let the various players in a system...

Iris Blanc, Cathy Vento

Performing with Microsoft Publisher 2002 Comprehensive Course

This new series by renowned authors Iris Blanc and Cathy Vento teaches Microsoft Publisher 2002 skills by having the learner assume the role of working in a business....

Richard Lynch

The Hidden Power of Photoshop CS

Inside The Hidden Power of Photoshop "X", best-selling author and Photoshop expert Richard Lynch reveals little-known, professional techniques that will help you save time and improve overall image quality throughout your work. His skillful advice...

Peter Menzel, Faith D'Aluisio

Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species

A field guide to our mechanical future, presenting the next generation of intelligent robots and their makers....

Валентин Катаев

Валентин Катаев. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах. Том 5

В пятый том собрания сочинений Валентина Катаева вошли две первые части тетралогии "Волны Черного моря": "Белеет парус одинокий" и "Хуторок в степи". Содержит иллюстрации....

Артур Конан Дойл

Артур Конан Дойл. Собрание сочинений в 10 томах. Том 7

В седьмой том собрания сочинений А. К. Дойля вошли: "Открытие Рафлза Хоу", "Затерянный мир", "Маракотова бездна"....

Никколо Макьявелли


"Цель оправдывает средства"- таков закон политики. "Цель оправдывает средства"- таков, по Макиавелли, девиз всякой сильной власти. Потому что "сильный государь" - залог процветания государства. С этим можно не соглашаться, однако...

<<<  Библия (подарочное издание). Стильно оформленное подарочное издание, в ...             Первый толковый БЭС. Первый толковый БЭС представляет собой новый ... >>>

Edward Cohen-Rosenthal, Cynthia E. Burton. Shaun Walker, Joe Brinkman, Bruce Hopkins, Scott McCulloch, Chris Kensler. Sat Vocab Velocity (Kaplan SAT Verbal Velocity) Все о Линукс Christie Golden. In Stone's Clasp (Final Dance) Никита Питерский. 7 кабинок Ученик чародея. Книга об Эрасте Гарине. Книга посвящена одному Знакомства Корбина С. Торопцев. Кинематография Тайваня Лион Фейхтвангер. Гойя, или Тяжкий путь познания. Иудейская А. В. Аттетков, С. В. Галкин, В. С. Зарубин.
Сызрань, Владимир, Копейск, Магнитогорск, Жуковский, Кызыл, Коломна, Махачкала, Смоленск,
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