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Indermit S Gill, Claudio E. Montenegro, Dorte Domeland, Indermit S. Gill Crafting Labor Policy: Techniques and Lessons from Latin America (Economics)
The aim of Crafting Labor Policy is to advance labor market reform--which has been referred to as the unfinished economic reform in Latin America--using estimation techniques to answer important labour policy questions in a quantitative manner. The...
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Martin Anthony, Norman Biggs Mathematics for Economics and Finance: Methods and Modelling
Without expecting any particular background of the reader, this book covers graphs and relations, sequences and limits, partial derivatives, optimization, vectors, and matrix algebra. Throughout, the stress is firmly on how the mathematics relates...
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Lenn Millbower Show Biz Training: Fun and Effective Business Training Techniques from the Worlds of Stage, Screen and Song
Entertainers and trainers have a lot in common. Both require an audience. Both require a polished, professional delivery. And both must attract -- and keep -- attention. Or else the show is over. Unlike the audience at a show, training...
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Carrie Brown Rosie's Mom: Forgotten Women Workers of the First World War
We know who drove in the rivets on airplane assembly lines during World War II. But what about World War I? Who assembled all those fabric-covered biplanes? Who shaped and filled the millions of cartridges that America sent over to the trenches...
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Ali Azimi, David McCauley, David McCauley Ph.D. Afghanistan's Environment in Transition
Providing perspectives on the most significant environmental issues currently facing Afghanistan as it emerges from years of conflict and isolation, this book recommends a set of approaches to rehabilitate and protect the natural resource base while...
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Paul H. Brunner, Helmut Rechberger Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis (Advanced Methods in Resource and Waste Management Series, 1)
The concept of a company, city, or region functioning as an anthroposphere, a living organism with metabolic processes, is now widely accepted among professionals within scientific, engineering, and materials management fields. While the traits of...
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S. Wayne Rosenbaum ISO 14001 and the Law, Legal Guide for the Implementation of the Environmental Management Standards
In this book Mr. Rosenbaum systematically identifies the legal issues and pitfalls associated with implementing ISO 14001, and offers practical tips and strategies to mitigate the associated legal risk. In plain language the book explains how the...
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David L. Woodruff Advances in Computational and Stochastic Optimization, Logic Programming, and Heuristic Search: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Orcs 09)
Computer Science and Operations Research continue to have a synergistic relationship and this book -- as a part of theOperations Research and Computer Science Interface Series -- sits squarely in the center of the confluence of these two technical...
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H T. Goranson The Agile Virtual Enterprise : Cases, Metrics, Tools
New ways to manage change and to compete in a rapidly changing business world are emerging under the concept of the agile enterprise. Agile organizations can be almost any size or type, but what distinguishes them from their lumbering traditional...
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J. A. Ruano, J. A. "Tony" Ruano Bienes raices: Manual practico de compra, venta y administracion.
A long time needed guide to Spanish speaking community has been qualified by experts and journalists as the "Bible of Real Estate" The book is a selection of author's best articles published in the last seven years in the USA National Hispanic...
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Daniel Johnston International Petroleum Fiscal Systems and Production Sharing Contracts
Covers everything including historical development of contracts, terminology of accounting and negotiations, threshold field size analysis, arithmetic behind contract terms, and more....
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