Helen Stortini

Miami (America Series)

Book DescriptionThis sun-drenched, multicultural city is captured by stunning photographs taken by some of America's best photographers. Visit the Sunshine State's most exuberant city for the first time or relive your favorite memories of Miami's...

Otto Weisser

Private Selection

Otto Weisser’s photographs demonstrate his unique ability to blend erotic and exotic with effortless mastery. For more than 20 years, he has been taking photos for the world’s top men’s magazines, including Playboy and ...

Denis Meikle

Vincent Price: The Art of Fear

Book DescriptionA rounded portrait of a supremely gifted actor, who carved himself a unique niche in film history. Featuring 120 film stills....

Jack Vance

The Gray Prince

Book Description When Schaine Madduc returned to Koryphon after five years in space, her home planet was not as she left it. The several intelligent species that had lived so long in a sort of symbiotic harmony were at each other's throats. Most...

Thomas Sumner

Untidy: The Blogs on Rumsfeld (Informed Citizen)

An introduction to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. A short essay provides an overview of his professional life and selected blogs provide commentary on his performance....

Joseph R. Lanciano

Lambers Cpa Review 2: Regulation

Book DescriptionCPA Exam 2004: The Regulation volume of the Lambers CPA Review course covers both business law and taxation. Inside you will find review material, examples and practice questions with solutions. This book contains new material to be...

Henry B. M. Best

Margaret and Charley: The Personal Story of Dr. Charles Best, the Co-Discoverer of Insulin

Book DescriptionAlthough Charles Best is known for discovering insulin, the story of his life neither begins nor ends with that one moment. Not only did he make many other discoveries, he was also one half of an extraordinary couple who, during...

Mao Dun

The Shop of the Lin Family & Spring Silkworms (Bilingual Series in Modern Chinese Literature)

Book Description Mao Dun originally published the short stories, "The Shop of the Lin Family" and "Spring Silkworms," in 1932. The first, which Zhu Ziqing considers Mao Dun's finest work, tells the story of a shop that sells foreign goods in a...

Nettie Ma

Finding My Way Home: A Christian Life in Communist China

Book Description"When I was a young girl, my parents warned me never to record my story with black ink on white paper." So begins Finding My Way Home, the story of one Chinese Christian girl in an age of great change for a great nation. Nettie Ma...

Wait! No Paint!

Book Description The three little pigs go off to build their separate houses one out of straw, one out of sticks, and one out of bricks.But wait! Who just spilled juice on the first little pig?s house? Why are the pigs turning green? And what...

Е. Г. Анисимова

Английский язык для юристов. Предпринимательское право

Настоящее издание предназначено для лиц, желающих овладеть юридической лексикой в сфере международного предпринимательства. Правовая лексика вводится тематически, с использованием текстов, отражающих нормы ряда институтов международного...

<<<  Я. Гордин. Мятеж реформаторов 14 декабря 1825 года             Агния Барто. Агния Барто. Стихи для самых маленьких >>>

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