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Joseph G. Nicholas Market-Neutral Investing : Long/Short Hedge Fund Strategies
Achieving ideal returns by diversifying away risk. Managing risk is a weightier issue than ever for professional investors. They're seeking downside protection as they grapple to remain fully invested in a hyper-inflated stock market. Market-neutral...
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Frederick Betz Executive Strategy : Strategic Management and Information Technology
A modern theory of executive strategy for the information age The information revolution has radically transformed virtually every aspect of business today. Yet, no book has fully addressed its impact on strategic management-until now. In...
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Jacques Belanger, Christian Berggren, Torsten Bjorkman, Christoph Kohler Being Local Worldwide: Abb and the Challenge of Global Management
Fortune called Asea Brown Boveri, the giant multinational corporation created in 1987, "the most successful cross-border merger since Royal Dutch linked up with Britain's Shell in 1907." The coming together of two longtime national champions in the...
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Bob Ferchat, Tony Carlson Tangled Up In The Past
Opportunity missed . . . No corporation in the world was better placed to drive the development of the Internet in its infancy than AT&T and IBM. Yet these icons of industrial excellence, blinded by success that limited their vision, refused...
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James Y. Wilson, Aspi Havewala Building Powerful Platforms with Windows CE(r)
(Pearson Education) Text and CD-ROM describing the Windows CE architecture in-depth, presenting a utility called the Driver Mapper as an example that doubles as a tool for debugging device drivers. The CD-ROM also contains all of the code for the...
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Professional IBM WebSphere 5.0 Application Server (+ CD-ROM)
The WebSphere platform from IBM, with its rich function set, industry-leading performance, and scalability, as well as configuration flexibility, is one of the leading products of the application server generation. For the experienced...
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William R. Pasewark Machine Transcription and Dictation: Text & Data Disk Package
The fourth edition of this popular transcription book is designed to prepare readers for most situations requiring transcription skills. The addition of speech and voice recognition technology brings users up-to-date with the newest skills...
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C. P. Collins, Tracy Brown Pocket PC: Visual QuickStart Guide
Pocket PC: Visual QuickStart Guide is aimed squarely at the 3 million Pocket PC users (expected to be 6 million by the end of 2003) who don't take full advantage of their Pocket PC PDAs because, with little or no documentation, they simply...
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Nell B. Dale, David Teague C++ Plus Data Structures
C++ Plus Data Structures is designed for a course in Data Structures where C++ is the programming language. The book focuses on abstract data types as viewed from three different perspectives: their specification, their application, and their...
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Luis Masanti Diseno Web / Dreamweaver
Libro digital en CD Rom, 340 paginas, 400 ilustraciones, 60 minutos de video. Actualizaciones gratuitas por dos anos (Dreamweaver MX incluido en las actualizaciones gratuitas) . Mac/ Windows. El libro digital mas completo que le...
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Lawrence A. Bookman Trajectories Through Knowledge Space: A Dynamic Framework for Machine Comprehension (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 286)
Trajectories through Knowledge Space: A Dynamic Framework for Machine Comprehension provides an overview of many of the main ideas of connectionism (neural networks) and probabilistic natural language processing. Several areas of common overlap...
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Домой У Чэн-энь. Путешествие на Запад (комплект
Satarial (mp3). Сборник песен московской рок-группы "Satarial" (Сатариал).
Джуди Курьянски. Как сохранить любовь
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Enrico Fermi: His Work and Legacy. Book DescriptionEnrico Fermi's scientific
Kevin Gallagher, Jacob Werksman, Earthscan. The Earthscan Reader on International
В. Д. Черный. Методические рекомендации и материалы к изучению
Елена Лаврентьева. Неразлучные друзья. Книжка-игрушка
Klaus Schulze. Mirage. Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями
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Miami 2006 (2 CD). Undeground Sound Of The miami Music Conferece
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Копейск, Березники, Абакан, ВеликийНовгород, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Москв, Балаково, Новокузнецк, Елец, Курск, Кызыл, Муром, Первоуральск, Сыктывкар, Мурманск, СергиевПосад, Мурманск, Норильск, Махачкала, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Тверь, Нефтекамск, Майкоп, Элиста, Ноябрьск,
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