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Вайятт Таунли Йоганетика
Йоганетика, созданная Вайятт Таунли - в прошлом блестящей танцовщицей, - не просто новый комплекс упражнений, это новый подход к жизни. Суть йоганетики не в позах, а в переходах между ними. Это новое восприятие хатха-йоги, продлевающее йогу на...
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Б. Ю. Семенов, И. П. Шелестов Путеводитель в мир электроники. Книга 2 (+ CD-ROM)
Вторая книга продолжает рассказ о радиотехнике и радиоэлектронике. Читатели, познакомившиеся с первой книгой, без труда смогут повторить описанные здесь конструкции и узнать много нового. Приведено описание полезных в быту конструкций и...
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Владимир Кунин Сволочи
Война - и дети... Пусть прошедшие огонь и воду беспризорники, пусть уличные озлобленные волчата, но - дети! Или - мальчишки, которые были детьми... пока не попали в школу горноальпийских диверсантов. Здесь из волчат готовят...
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Guide to Economic Indicators: Making Sense of Economics
It is essential in business and many professions today to have a thorough understanding of economic information. Written for the non-specialist, this highly accessible guide provides the keys to understanding all the major and many lesser economic...
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Robert M., Jr Dunn, John H. Mutti, Jr., Robert M. Dunn International Economics, 5th Edition
This is a new edition of a classic introduction to international economics. Thoroughly revised to take into account the latest issues and controversies in international economics it includes a range of aids to help student learning and class...
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Charles P. Bostaph, Roland Vendeland Employment Portfolio, The: Identifying Skills, Training, Accomplishments, and References for the Job Seeker
With the job market such that it is, job seekers need an effective tool to help set them apart from their competition, and to highlight their abilities and accomplishments. This book bridges the gap between the resume and the job search by helping...
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Lee E. Miller Get More Money on Your Next Job: 25 Proven Strategies for Getting More Money, Better Benefits, and Greater Job Security
Maximize your bargaining power and get the best package possible, with the help of a seasoned professional who has negotiated hundreds of employment packages. Lee E. Miller—human resources executive, college professor, and counsel to numerous...
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Hans Kung A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics
As the twentieth century draws to a close and the rush to globalization gathers momentum, political and economic considerations are crowding out vital ethical questions about the shape of our future. Now, Hans Kung, one of the world's preeminent...
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Anders Danielson, Geske Dijkstra, A. Geske Dijkstra Towards Sustainable Development in Central America and the Caribbean
Since decline in the early 1980s, most countries in Central America and the Caribbean have returned to positive economic growth. The recovery often coincided with or followed extensive neoliberal reforms. The contributors to this book address...
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Jianbo Lou China's Troubled Bank Loans - Workout and Prevention (International Banking, Finance and Economic Law, Volume 22)
The purpose of this book is to examine the significant and increasing problem of State bank non-performing loans (NPLs) in China, which have undermined the stability of the banking system and the efficient operation of markets. The accumulation of...
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Wim Van Grembergen Information Systems Evaluation Management
The evaluation of information technology and its business value is increasingly the subject of discussion and analysis as organizations and researchers look at how the contribution of IT to business performance can be evaluated. This book provides...
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Домой Рамблер
Eudine Barriteau. The Political Economy of
Успенский В.А. Что такое аксиоматический метод
Public Relations: Theory and Practice. Book
Иван Рыбкин. Управляем возражениями клиента
Robert E. Bond, Stephanie Woo. Bond's Franchise
Robert Frank. Principles of Macroeconomics +
А. Д. Ботвинников, В. Н. Виноградов, И. С. Вышнепольский.
Питер, Кисловодск,
Биржевое дело| Джаз. Блюз. Соул. Фанк.| Джаз. Блюз. Соул. Фанк.| Познавательная литература| Индийское кино| Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Рыбалка| История и теория литературы| Информационные технологии в предпринимательстве| Кинофантазии| Биографии писателей| Семейные комедии|
энцеклопедия, библиотека литературы, сеть книжных магазинов, бестселлер, книжный москва, книжная ярмарка, |