Джесс Либерти, Брэдли Джонс

Освой самостоятельно C++ за 21 день

Книга поможет самостоятельно изучить язык C++, его принципы и концепции. Здесь изложены фундаментальные основы программирования, управление вводом-выводом, циклы, массивы, объектно-ориентированные подходы, а также создание полнофункционального...

Voices Made Flesh: Performing Women's Autobiography (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography)

Book DescriptionFourteen bold, dynamic, and daring women take the stage in this collection of women's lives and stories. Individually and collectively, these writers and performers speak the unspoken and perform the heretofore unperformed. The...

Charles McGaw

Acting is Believing (with InfoTrac) (Wadsworth Series in Theatre)

Book Description ACTING IS BELIEVING emphasizes that "an actor must believe to make his audience believe." ACTING IS BELIEVING is a classic text in the field, having been used by many generations of actors and now updated to speak to a new...

Building Age Pub.

Beautiful Bungalows of the Twenties

Book Description Practical, convenient and attractive, the American bungalow has long been popular among families looking for affordable residences. This handy reference, originally published by a New York firm, displays a variety of handsome...

Rafael Vinoly

Rafael Vinoly

Book DescriptionRafael Vinoly is arguably our most consummate practitioner of architecture; Herbert Muschamp of the New York Times calls him "the most elegant architect now practicing in the United States," one whose powerful buildings "quicken...

Midori Snyder

New Moon : Queen's Quarter #1 (The Oran Trilogy)

Book DescriptionTwo hundred years ago, the Fire Queen destroyed her rival queens of Earth, Air, and Water in the fateful Burning and took power over Oran. No child with a trace of the elemental magic was alloved to live. Years later, the country...

Joseph R. Fornieri

Abraham Lincoln's Political Faith

Book DescriptionAt Gettysburg Lincoln resolved that "this nation, under God," would not perish, and in his Second Inaugural he called for "firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right." How are we to understand these and other invocations...

Joann E. Hafer

Whose Body Is This Anyway

Book DescriptionJoAnn E. Hafer's book is a story of courage and determination in facing long odds. Addressing many questions dealing with cancer, it is directed to patients, their family and friends. Mostly, it's the story of hope when all seems...

Joe Craig

Jimmy Coates: Assassin?

Book Description Here's the good news: Jimmy Coates isn't an ordinary kid. He just found out that he can outrun, outjump, and outfight almost anybody, even adults. Here's the bad news: Somebody is after him. Now Jimmy is on the...

Herman Parish

Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm (I Can Read Book 2)

Book Description When Amelia Bedelia helps out at her local library, she does everything by thebook -- and that gets her into a whole lot of trouble! ...

Kenneth Lynn


Ernest Hemingway was a mythic figure of overt masculinity and vibrant literary genius. He lived life on an epic scale, presenting to the world a character as compelling as the fiction he created. But behind it all lurked an insecure,...

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