Йен Пирс

Сон Сципиона

Один роман - и три детектива, три истории любви, три исторических романа. Три человека пытаются противостоять окружающему безумию... Один - в эпоху падения Римской империи. Другой - во время эпидемии Черной...

George L. Perry, James Tobin

Economics, Events, Ideas, and Policies

The 1960s represented a turning point in the application of economic analysis to U.S. policymaking. The decade was marked by widespread optimism that government policies could improve economic and social outcomes. Developments since then illustrate...

Jac C. Heckelman, John C. Moorhouse, Robert Whaples

Public Choice Interpretations of American Economic History

The chapters of this volume apply the tools of public choice theory to the types of questions which economic historians have traditionally addressed. By adding the insights of public choice economists to the traditional tools used to understand...

Stefan Spinler

Capacity Reservation for Capital-Intensive Technologies: An Options Approach (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 525)

This book addresses two key issues of central importance in emerging electronic markets: first, improved coordination of supply and demand through options / forward contracts on output and capacity, and second the integration of such contracting...

Rogene A. Buchholz, Sandra B. Rosenthal

Business Ethics: The Pragmatic Path Beyond Principles to Process

Unique in both perspective and approach, this is the first book to use classical American pragmatism as an ethical framework for dealing with ethical issues in business. The book first explores ethical theory from both the traditional and...

Lucia Mauro

Careers for Stagestruck & Other Dramatic Types

Careers For. . . * VARIETY OF CAREERS SHOWN. From the obvious to the obscure, readers will be able to explore careers that match their interests. * CAREER PROFILES. Includes complete job descriptions and salary ranges. * PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS....

Damon Schechter, Damon Schechter, Gordon F. Sander

Delivering the Goods: The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain

PRAISE FOR Delivering the Goods "While it's difficult to top Sander's Pulitzer nomination and Schechter's Stanford degrees, we must gladly admit that your book ROCKS!"-Tom Peters Company "The supply chain is corporate America’s...

John M. Owen

Program Evaluation: Forms and Approaches

This book offers a straightforward, practical introduction to evaluation for beginners and practitioners. It shows how to identify appropriate forms and approaches, using an original framework. The authors examine the role of evaluation in program...

Bjarne Stroustrup

The C++ Programming Language (Special 3rd Edition)

com/~bs/) have been added. The result is complete, authoritative coverage of the C++ language, its standard library, and key design techniques. Based on the ANSI/ISO C++ standard, The C++ Programming Language provides current and comprehensive...

Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari

Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms : The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs

Building Robots with Lego Mindstorms explains how to build robots using Lego bricks and components. The book describes the practical aspects of robot building, discussing the basics of mechanics, motors, sensors, pneumatics, and navigation, and...

Mark L. Chambers

PCs All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies

* Covers the most popular PC applications and tools available today, fully revised to include Windows XP, Office "X," Works 7, and basic Internet, digital photography, and home networking * Walks the reader through setting up a computer,...

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Часы Linea Del Tempo. С термометром и гигрометром, Яндекс Вакансии QIP.ру Timothy J. O'Leary, Linda I. O'Leary. O'Leary Программы Автомобильный портал GRAND FUNK RAILROAD. GREATEST HITS. Исполнитель: GRAND К. Кассел, М. Россо, В. Тураев. Квантовые группы и инварианты
Одинцово, Мурманск, Новокузнецк, Новотроицк, Архангельск, Копейск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Рыбинск, Красноярск, Калуга, Одинцово, Октябрьский, Рязань, НижнийНовгород, Новочебоксарск, Энгельс, Хасавюрт, Кисловодск, Архангельск, Якутск, Якутск, Киров, Новый Уренгой, Архангельск, Междуреченск, Сыктывкар, Брянск,
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