Jun Ma

The Chinese Economy in the 1990s (Studies on the Chinese Economy)

This book presents a comprehensive overview and some economic analysis of China's economic reform experiences, particularly those since the late 1980s. It covers many institutional details of key aspects of the Chinese economy, including fiscal...

Bouck White

Book of Daniel Drew

The inside story of the first great Wall Street speculator, Daniel Drew, well known for his famous statement: "He who sells what isn?t his?n must buy it back or go to pris?n." Drew lost millions when finally ruined by being a short...

Ira Chaleff

The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders

Since its original publication in 1995, The Courageous Follower has been put on reading lists everywhere from corporations and the military to unions and churches. This guide helps transform passive followers into active players who can help right...

The WetFeet Insider Guide to Careers in Manufacturing

In this book, read about manufacturing sectors that are showing growth and longevity in the United States; innovations driving new kinds of manufacturing and changing the industry; how to decide which area of manufacturing is right for you; 30...

Howard Leifman

Vault Guide to Resumes, Cover Letters & Interviewing, 3rd Edition: Master the Three Keys to a Fruitful Job Search

From writing top-notch resumes and sending tailored cover letters to going on winning interviews, this best-selling Vault guide is a comprehensive one-volume job search source....

Mary C. Brinton

Women and the Economic Miracle: Gender and Work in Postwar Japan (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy)

This lucid, hard-hitting book explores a central paradox of the Japanese economy: the relegation of women to low-paying, dead-end jobs in a workforce that depends on their labor to maintain its status as a world economic leader. Drawing upon...

Martin Bennett, Jan Jaap Bouma, Teun Wolters

Environmental Management Accounting: Informational and Institutional Developments (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, V. 9)

Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) is increasingly recognised as a distinguished tool of environmental management. It helps to integrate a company's environmental and business interests, whereby enhancing corporate eco-efficiency in terms of...

Lenny Jordan

Options, Plain and Simple : Successful Investment Strategies Without the Rocket Science

Since the Greek philosopher Thales cornered the olive press market over 2,400 years ago, options have been with us. Although options are not complicated, like philosophy, they have that reputation....

Armando T. Atienza

Shrewd Business Tactics

Shrewd Business Tactics by A.T. Atienza is a unique business book that deals on different Asian management styles,namely,Chinese,Japanese and Filipino. The author narrates anecdotes and topics pertaining to human resource, finance, marketing,...

Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Michael Mick

Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques

Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques provides step-by-step instructions accompanied by full-color screen shots, helping students learn basic FrontPage 2002 skills quickly...

Uwe Abmann

Invasive Software Composition

Over the past two decades, software engineering has come a long way from object-based to object-oriented to component-based design and development. Invasive software composition is a new technique that unifies and extends recent software engineering...

<<<  У. Ле Гуин. Хейнский цикл             Г. А. Богданова. Русский язык. Рабочая тетрадь для ... >>>

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