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Г. С. Кнабе Семиотика культуры
Курс состоит из четырех разделов. Это - исходные понятия семиотики культуры; переживание знака, знак и смысл; знак и его свойства; знак, текст и его деконструкция. Для студентов и преподавателей. ...
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Thomas W. Zimmerer Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (4th Edition)
Book Description This fourth edition of the popular book introduces you to the processes of new venture creation and the critical knowledge needed to manage your business once it is formed. With the help of this book, readers can follow their dreams...
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Bob Woodward Aligned Yellow Bricks : The Road Back to Kansas
Book Description Aligned Yellow Bricks demonstrates the critical need for strategic vision when creating and maintaining balanced organizational structures and aligned workplace activities. Author Bob Woodward illustrates the effectiveness of...
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Г. В. Носовский, А. Т. Фоменко Библейская Русь. В 4 томах. Том 3
Книга является новым исследованием по приложениям математической хронологии к реконструкции древней и средневековой истории с помощью статистических методов. Книга посвящена реконструкции истории Руси XV-XVII веков на основе анализа исторической...
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James A. Moore Chaos Bleeds (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Reunion Life on the Hellmouth -- a.k.a. Sunnydale, California -- has always involved a steady parade of demons intent on ruining Buffy Summers's nightlife. Staying at the top of her game means...
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John Chilton Who's Who of British Jazz
New, expanded and updated edition of the best comprehensive survey of who's who of British jazz musicians. Over 900 biographies detail the work of musicians from every era of British jazz, ranging from those who played professionally before 1920...
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Jan Coleman Unshakeable: The Steadfast Heart Of Obedience
Book DescriptionAnyone who has encountered Jan Coleman knows her vivacious and joyous spirit is infectious. What is most striking about Jan is that she has such a spirit in spite of the hardships she has endured in her life. Her first book, After...
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Stephen A. Marini Sacred Song in America: Religion, Music, and Public Culture (Public Expressions of Religion in America)
Book DescriptionIn Sacred Song in America , Stephen A. Marini explores the full range of American sacred music and demonstrates how an understanding of the meanings and functions of this musical expression can contribute to a greater...
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Hollin Jones Propellerhead Reason Tips and Tricks
Book Description Propellerhead Reason Tips and Tricks Covers version 3 For Mac OSX and Windows Uncover Reason's secrets Master recording and editing of MIDI Creative sound generation with the Combinator ...
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Thomas Fleming Benjamin Franklin
Book DescriptionFor many people, Benjamin Franklin remains a puzzling figure in American history. This book tells Franklin's absorbing life story. In lively and informal style, Thomas Fleming presents a well-rounded account of probably the most...
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Roger LeRoy Miller West's Business Law : Extended Case Approach (with 2006 Online Research Guide)
Book Description Based on the market-leading text, WEST'S BUSINESS LAW, this Extended Case version maintains the same tradition of comprehensiveness and authority, cutting-edge content, and student-friendly presentation. It is a classic blend of...
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