Dave Rochlin

Hunter or Hunted? : Technology, Innovation and Competitive Strategy

Book Description For business executives, complexity and uncertainty often characterizes the competitive landscape and strategic choices surrounding technology and innovation. In this fascinating and enjoyable new read, e-business expert Dave...

Chris W. Chen

Coaching Training (ASTD Trainer's Workshop Series)

Book DescriptionCoaching Training is the sixth book in the ASTD Trainer?s WorkShop Series. Like the others in the series, this book offers practical, ready-to quickly create half-day, full-day, and multi-day workshops. Coaching Training...

Marketing Trends for Organic Food in the 21st Century (Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 3)

Book DescriptionThe marketing of organic products is viewed as a significant link between the production side of the business and the consumers, thereby facilitating the distribution of these relatively new products. It has become obvious that...

Perry H. Beaumont

Financial Engineering Principles : A Unified Theory for Financial Product Analysis and Valuation (Wiley Finance)

Book DescriptionStock, bonds, cash . . . the investment mind is often programmed. The reality is that most investors think in terms of single asset classes, and allocate money to them accordingly. The unique contribution of First Principles: An...

Maxwell Ayrton

Wrought Iron and Its Decorative Use

Book Description A superb treasury of decorative wrought iron, this well-illustrated volume presents an informative survey of the ancient craft's practice throughout England. Its history can be traced simply by admiring the crisp black-and-white...

Daniel Frasnay

Les Girls: Daniel Frasnay Paris 1952-1979

Book DescriptionAfter WWII, Daniel Frasnay, a gypsy-born portrait photographer, found himself in the midst of a world where topless women dazzled in sequins, paillettes, feathers, fishnets, and little else. For 40 years Frasnay held the enviable...

William Klein

William Klein: Paris + Klein

Book DescriptionWilliam Klein always dreamed of living in Paris, like Henry Miller, Gertrude Stein, and other like-minded artists and writers. In 1948, stationed by the United States Army in Paris, he stayed--and fled his family and America to...

Bruce H. Blumenfeld

The Last Rainbow: Angels' Portal

Book DescriptionWill the same struggles we face today drive the human spirit one thousand years from now? Why does so much evil exist in the world today? Is God completely dispassionate, or are there some other dark and sinister forces at work...

Dallas Clouatre

Anti-Fat Nutrients: Safe and Effective Strategies for Increasing Metabolism, Controlling Appetite, and Losing Fat in 15 Days

Book Description"Anti-Fat Nutrients provides do-it-yourself alternatives to empower dieters to achieve their ideal weight on their own. Using scientfically supported research, "Anti-Fat Nutrients: explains how and why the body gains and loses...

John Harvey Kellogg

Light Therapeutics

Book Description1910. A practical manual of phototherapy for the student and the practitioner. One of the first extended treatises on the therapeutics of light and possibly the first dealing with the use of the incandescent light bath and the...

Vicki Croke

The Lady and the Panda: The True Adventures of the First American Explorer to Bring Back China's Most Exotic Animal

Here is the astonishing true story of Ruth Harkness, the Manhattan bohemian socialite who, against all but impossible odds, trekked to Tibet in 1936 to capture the most mysterious animal of the day: a bear that had for countless centurieslived in...

<<<  Jesu Venedici. Common Terms in Computer Science: ...             E. Kwan Choi, E. Han Kim, Yesook Merrill. North Korea in the World ... >>>

-. Семейное право. Конспект лекций. 2-е изд. Джейсон Каучмэн, Судхир Марисетти. Oracle9i Certified Вакансии Билайн Semino Rossi. Ich Denk An Dich. Buenos Dias - Ich Bin Работа Народ.ру Леонид Платов. Леонид Платов. Избранные произведения в двух томах. Том 2 Richard G. Schroeder, Jack M. Cathey, Myrtle Clark. Financial Accounting Колыбельные песенки. В книгу включены колыбельные Музыкальные хиты Болливуда. Часть 2. Содержание: А. Н. Сахаров, А. П. Ладинский. Владимир Почта Robert J. Gordon. Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: The
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