Tony Grant, Jane Greene

Coach Yourself: Make Real Change in Your Life

It's your life. What are you going to do with it? Coach Yourself presents an array of concepts, ideas, and techniques to help you take a greater degree of control over your working life. Stimulating you to assess how you think, feel, and...

Jim Cairo

Motivation and Goal Setting: How to Set and Achieve Goals and Inspire Others (Motivation and Goal Setting)

Motivation and Goal Setting delivers concise, how to information in a friendly, interactive format ideal for team or individual use. This book will help one clearly define their values, maintain flexibility by setting realistic goals, and stay...

Andrea Sutcliffe

New York Public Library Writer's Guide to Style and Usage

The only up-to-date guide that addresses everyone who writes, from books and magazine features to newsletters, business reports, technical papers and brochures -- with information on how to use computers in every stage of publication....

Robert Feinschreiber, Charles L. Crowley

Import Handbook : A Compliance and Planning Guide

With the passage of GATT and NAFTA, there has been a corresponding increase in imports and therefore an increase in the balance of trade. This book provides sound advice and strategies on importing and discusses accounting, financial, and legal...

Edmund M.A. Kwaw

The Law and Practice of Offshore Banking and Finance

Kwaw provides a wide-ranging discussion of the offshore banking and finance process, structure, and law--including, among other topics, eurocurrency wholesale deposits, international funds transfers, eurocurrency syndicated loans, eurosecurities...

Richard W. Conway, William L. Maxwell, Louis W. Miller, L. W. Miller

Theory of Scheduling

This comprehensive text explores the mathematical models underlying the theory of scheduling. Organized according to scheduling problem type, it examines three solution techniques: algebraic, probabilistic, and Monte Carlo simulation by computer....

Donald V. Helgeson

Engineer's and Manager's Guide to Winning Proposals (Professional Development Library)

Here's a no-nonsense approach to the proposal process by an engineer who has worked in the trenches and knows the practical solutions to getting the job done. This book brings order out of the often chaotic frenzy that characterizes most proposal...

Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Marketing Attack: New Strategies, Tactics, and Weapons for Winning Big Profits for Your Small Business

From the author of "Guerrilla Marketing" now comes a sequel: "Guerrilla Marketing Attack". To the millions of small and medium-sized businesses operating in a marketplace that is more competitive today than at any other time in history, this...

Charles J. Jacobus, George C. Stephens

Texas Real Estate Brokerage and Law of Agency: 2004

As in many states, Texas has seen a renewed focus on real estate agency. With this new focus comes an emphasis on key topics such as professionalism, the increased complexity of real estate transactions, litigation in real estate law and role...


Norway Business Law Handbook

This law handbook contains information on basic business legislation, laws and regulatoins affecting export-import, business, foreign investments, property rights, taxation and banking....

Thomas McCormack

The Demand and Trends for Canadian Household Furniture, Eighth Edition

This unique study examines the state of the furniture market which is finely segregated by province and major urban areas. It also distinguishes between many product and end-user categories. The impacts of several key socio-economic factors are...

<<<  А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 5             E. Kwan Choi, E. Han Kim, Yesook Merrill. North Korea in the World ... >>>

Работа Честная игра. Уильям Болдуин ("Внутреннее расследование"), Газета.ру Почта.ру Николь Розен. Марта Фрейд Почта Яхо Бесплатные объявления Graham Dunkley. Free Trade: Myth, Reality, and Alternatives Работа Фото 2 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art: Footnotes on Geopolitics, Константин Симонов. Живые и мертвые. Роман в трех книгах. Почта Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume VI : Октябрина Ганичкина. Подарок садоводам и огородникам Richard Imperiale, Richard Imperiale. J K Lasser Pro Real Estate
Липецк, Якутск, Иваново, Архангельск, Таганрог, Ковров, Сыктывкар, Владимир, Глазов, Златоуст,
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