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Woodruff D. Smith Consumption and the Making of Respectability, 1600-1800
Tying together of several distinct cultural patterns during this century to create a culture of respectability and its impact on popular culture, trade, politics, social dynamics, and literature, this original and thoughtful work provides a...
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Jim McGoldrick, Jim Stewart, Sandra Watson Understanding Human Resource Development
A definitive work on the design and conduct of research in HRD, examining the possibilities and limitations of particular methods and techniques. Emerging debates on the purpose, nature, practice and theoretical base of Human Resource Development....
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William R. Feist, James A. Heely, Min H. Lu, Roy L. Nersesian Managing a Global Enterprise
In the global marketplace, companies that can draw on worldwide operations to meet commercial challenges accrue a competitive challenge. Those who remain homebound will not sustain the competitive onslaught of globally oriented firms. Companies from...
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David W. Champagne, R. Craig Hogan, EdD David W. Champagne, PhD R. Craig Hogan Interpersonal and Consultant Supervision Skills: a clinical model, 3rd Edition
This book uses Maslow's Human Motivation Theory, Jungian learning style, Communication theory, and Cogan's Clinical Supervision strategies to build a set of procedures for effective supervision of employees and professionals. It then teaches and...
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Electronic Media Management, Fourth Edition
"As a former TV news executive and former radio station owner/manager, I can say this book is complete. Anyone going into broadcasting should read this book." Prof. Louis E. Conrad, Northeastern University. This new edition of a classic...
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Michael Craig Budden Preventing Shoplifting Without Being Sued : Practical Advice for Retail Executives
Well-written with numerous real life experiences and sound advice, Budden's book will help retail store executives better understand shoplifting's enormous financial hazards to their businesses. Budden uses real life cases to show what executives...
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Bruno R. Preiss Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java (Worldwide Series in Computer Science)
Create sound software designs with data structures that use modern object-oriented design patterns! Author Bruno Preiss presents the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms from a modern, object-oriented perspective. The text promotes...
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P. Forbrig, J. Vanderdonckt, Q. Limbourg, Peter Forbrig, Dsv-Is 200, B. Urban Interactive Systems: Design, Specifications, and Verification : 9th International Workshop, Dav-Is Sic 2002, Rostock, Germany, June 12-14, 2002 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2545)
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on the Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems, DSV-IS 2002, held in Rostock, Germany in June 2002. The 19 revised full...
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Daniel, MD Farb, Bruce Gordon, Daniel Farb OSHA Computer Related Illness Manual and CD, Introductory But Comprehensive OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health) Training for the Managers and Employees in a Worker Safety Program, on Computer Ergonomics and Safety
This title is part of the UniversityOfHealthCare/ UniversityOfBusiness Interactive Training Library, which offers authoritative, clearly written material in an interactive form for better comprehension and documentation of completion. The manual...
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Джефф Томпсон Прямая и косвенная речь. Справочник по английскому языку
В справочнике представлены приемы выражения косвенной речи в современном английском языке, а также объясняются имеющиеся между ними различия. Подробно описываются выбор времен глагола, слов и словосочетаний в зависимости от ситуации, которую хочет...
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Про господина Кагеаки-Оба
История, как известно, умалчивает о многом. Вот и мы решили умолчать о том, каким образом заполучили документ, который лег в основу нашей книги. Это само по себе не так уж и важно. К тому же, добавить немного таинственности к истории, случившейся...
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Домой Geraldine E. Hynes. Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications
David E. Hoffman. The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia
REIM. UNVERWUNDBAR. Исполнитель: REIM Альбом: UNVERWUNDBAR Производитель:
Geronimo Stilton. Geronimo Stilton #17 : Watch Your Whiskers,
Helmut Reisen. Pensions, Savings and Capital Flows (In Association
Грэм Грин. Ведомство страха (аудиокнига MP3)
Топ майл.ру
Loet Velmans. Long Way Back to the River Kwai: Memories of World
Филипович Е.. Сосны до неба
James S. Henry, Bill Bradley. The Blood Bankers: Tales
The Simpsons. Songs In The Key Of Springfield &
Резьба по дереву. Полный курс для начинающего. Книга знакомит читателя
Златоуст, Питер, Арзамас, Махачкала, Майкоп, Владимир, Казань, Салават, Барнаул, Бийск, Санкт-Петербург, Тула, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Ангарск, Норильск, Майкоп, Первоуральск, Арзамас, Ростов-на-Дону, Новочеркасск, Иркутск, Череповец, Златоуст, Калуга, Энгельс, Нижневартовск, Первоуральск, Мытищи,
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