David Batstone

Saving the Corporate Soul--and (Who Knows?) Maybe Your Own: Eight Principles for Creating and Preserving Wealth and Well-Being for You and Your Company Without Selling Out

Amazon.comEven those who think the idea of a "corporate soul" is an oxymoron will be persuaded by journalist David Batstone?s whip-smart suggestions for how values can reinvent an organization?s bad behavior. Saving the Corporate Soul...

Edward A. Haman

The Complete Partnership Book (Sphinx Legal)

Book DescriptionDiscusses the advantages and disadvantages of forming a partnership Identifies the limitations of partnership law Clarifies the need for certain specifics within a partnership agreement Illustrates growth of this entity relating to...

Alexander Sturgis

Entender la pintura : Analisis y explicacion de los temas de las obras

Book DescriptionTaking a fresh approach to art, this guide chronicles the past 800 years of Western art and explores everything from religious painting and portraiture to landscapes and abstract art. Meant to enhance one's understanding and...

Quentin Buvelot

A Choice Collection: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Paintings Form the Frits Lugt Collection

Book DescriptionThis richly illustrated volume offers a selection of the most beautiful Dutch seventeenth-century paintings from the Lugt Collection. The great connoisseur Frits Lugt (1884-1970) is today primarily recognized as a collector of...

American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes (American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes)

Book Description The ADA's bestselling resource on living with and managing diabetes The organization's flagship book on diabetes care, and American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes is the quintessential...

Eleanor Coppola

Notes on the Making of Apocalypse Now

Book Description"It may be the most lucid account of the strain of epic moviemaking that we'll ever get. At its center there's a great artist-hero caught in a trap - struggling to find the theme of the picture he's already shooting." -Pauline Kael...

Dustin Clingman

Practical Java Game Programming (Game Development Series)

Book Description Java is gaining more and more acceptance in the game development community, and with good commercial-quality Java games on the market, it will become a definitive choice. Practical Java Game Programming identifies the technological...

Manfred R. Schroeder

Computer Speech : Recognition, Compression, Synthesis (Springer Series in Information Sciences)

Book DescriptionThis new edition of Computer Speech is an introduction to multimedia speech applications that is also suitable for nonspecialists. New material treats such contemporary subjects as automatic speech recognition and speaker...

David Coffey

Sheridan's Lieutenants : Phil Sheridan, His Generals, and the Final Year of the Civil War. (American Crisis Series)

Book DescriptionIn 1864, General U.S. Grant summoned 33 year-old Major General Philip Sheridan to lead Meade's cavalry in the resilient yet seemingly lethargic Army of the Potomac. Sheridan's fiery determination and uncompromising demand for...

Загородный дом. Проекты. Строительство. Сметы расходов

Все мы хотим построить свое жилье, чтобы комфортно жить. В настоящее время благодаря большому выбору строительных материалов и современных технологий легко достигнуть желаемого, нужно только сделать правильный выбор. В настоящем издании...

Кейт Эллиот

Дитя пламени

Лиат, спасенная духами огня от собственной матери, оказывается в удивительном и пугающем мире Семи Сфер. Поднимаясь по ступеням мироздания, она приоткрывает завесу тайны над собственной сущностью. А тем временем ее муж принц Санглант возвращается к...

<<<  Родничок. Книга для внеклассного чтения по литературе. ...             Robert Fischer, Jens Fischer. Candlesticks, Fibonacci, ... >>>

Автомобильчик Бип-Бип спасает зоопарк. Автоград Фото John M. Dyckman, Joseph A. Cutler. Scapegoats at Marc Shapiro. Ashton Kutcher : The Life and Loves of Ливе КМ A Yuletide Universe: Sixteen Fantastical Tales. А. А. Инджиев. 350 упражнений по основным правилам русского языка Летопись двух столиц. Кожанный тисненый переплет, трехсторонний Institutional Integrity in Health Care (Philosophy and Medicine). Book DescriptionHealth А. Грецов. Тренинг общения для подростков Е. А. Быстрова, А. П. Окунева, Н. М. Шанский. Фразеологический
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