А. В. Исаев

От Дубно до Ростова

Книга посвящена боевым действиям на юго-западном направлении советско-германского фронта в июне - ноябре 1941 года и охватывает наиболее значительные события этого периода: танковое сражение в районе Дубно - Броды - Луцк, бои за "линию Сталина",...

William H. Becker

The Market, the State, and the Export-Import Bank of the United States, 1934-2000

Book DescriptionBased on archival sources, this history of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im), focuses on its role in the growing involvement of the U.S. in the international economy. Over the last two decades the Bank has carried...

Tom Peters

Talent (Tom Peters Essentials)

Tom Peters is back and in his own words?he's "Mad as Hell." Breaking down the message from his bestselling Re-Imagine! , these four pocket-sized books deliver crucial business truths to those who are looking for inspiration on leadership,...

David Niven

100 Secretos de la Gente Exitosa, Los : Lo que los Cientificos Han Descubierto y Como Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida

Book Description La Ciencia del Exito ?Que tiene en comun la gente exitosa? Los cientificos han estudiado el caracter, las creencias y las costumbres de personas exitosas de toda profesion y clase...

Alison McQueen

The Rise of the Cult of Rembrandt : Reinventing an Old Master in Nineteenth-Century France

Book Description Rembrandt's life and art had an almost mythic resonance in nineteenth-century France with artists, critics, and collectors alike using his artistic persona both as a benchmark and as justification for their own goals. This first...

David Troughton

Richard III (Arkangel Shakespeare)

Book DescriptionThe Yorkists have emerged victorious from the civil wars and Edward IV wears the English crown. Edward's brother, Richard, harbors his own kingly ambitions and will stop at nothing to achieve the throne. Manipulative and entirely...

Mark Shucksmith

Housing in the European Countryside: Rural Pressure and Policy in Western Europe

Book DescriptionHousing in the European Countryside reviews the international experience of housing pressure in rural areas in a number of countries. This review comprises assessment of the extent and nature of pressure, the types of policy...

Stephen Citron

Noel and Cole - The Sophisticates

Book DescriptionFirst time in Paperback! Noel Coward and Cole Porter's fascinating lives celebrated. Fresh on the heels of the popular motion picture based on Cole Porter's life called De-Lovely, Noel and Cole presents a fresh and often surprising...

Vince Gill

A Country Storybook: Emperor's New Clothes (Country Storybook)

Book DescriptionSomewhere in Smalltown, USA, there lives a CEO with a penchant for fancy duds. When two hustlers offer to make him a new wardrobe of the finest denim, silk, and rhinestones, the CEO sends his president and vice president to check out...

Ewa Mazierska

The Cinema of Nanni Moretti : Dreams and Diaries (Directors' Cuts)

Book Description This analysis of the work of the most important Italian film-maker of the past thirty years uses Moretti's films as a lens to view and discuss contemporary phenomena such as the crisis of masculinity and authority, the crisis of...

Die Olympischen Spiele in Los Angeles im Jahre 1932

Издание на немецком языке. Выпущено в Германии. С многочисленными цветными и черно-белыми фотоиллюстрациями спортсменов и соревнований. Иллюстрации выполнены в виде открыток и наклеены на страницы книги. Издательский переплет. Сохранность...

<<<  И. В. Немировский. Творчество Пушкина и проблема ...             Robert Fischer, Jens Fischer. Candlesticks, Fibonacci, ... >>>

Карен Хокинс. Уроки соблазна Пенни Уорнер. 150 развивающих игр для дошкольников Компьютерные новости Почта Слепота. Ник Манкузо ("Заговор в белом доме"), Родди Пайпер ("Моральный Donald L. Caruth, Gail D. Handlogten. Managing Николай Тимощук. История в шахматах Станислав Гроф. Космическая игра. Исследование рубежей человеческого QIP.ру Романтическая Классика. Никколо Паганини. Каприччио Поль Верлен. Исповедь А. О. Коцюбинский, С. В. Грошев. Правила уверенной Hugo Boss "Selection". Туалетная вода, 90 мл. Новости Счетчик Питер Андерсен. Язык тела Лента Simon Winder. The Man Who Saved Britain: A Personal Journey Nikolaus Hautsch. Modelling Irregularly Spaced Футбол Калинов мост. Вольница (2 CD). Записи с концертов
Шахты, Уфа, Москва , Обнинск, Архангельск, Краснодар, Электросталь, Сочи, Санкт-Петербург, Ставрополь, Ижевск, Волжский, Астрахань, Нефтеюганск, Шахты, Кызыл, Брянск, Оренбург,
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