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Philip Kotler According To Kotler: The World's Foremost Authority On Marketing Answers Your Questions
The CEO Refresher (www.refresher.com) "…the book reveals the revolutionary thinking of one of the profession's most revered experts" Paul Tulenko, Nationally syndicated columnist "This is one of these corner-of-the-desk...
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R. Koppl Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Volume 7 (Advances in Austrian Economics)
Book DescriptionContributors to this volume seriously engage issues in the crossroads where biology, psychology, and economics meet. The volume makes several important contributions to the area and provides an overview of the current state of...
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Bennet P. Lientz Manage IT as a Business : How to Achieve Alignment and Add Value to the Company
Book DescriptionMany IT projects fail to deliver the benefits to the business that were promised. Yet IT managers and staff work hard to meet the needs of the business: Systems are put in place; network operations are reliable and stable. The cause...
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Perseus Publishing The Ultimate Business Dictionary: Defining the World of Work
Book DescriptionWith more than 6,000 entries, the definitive guide to World Business English. The Ultimate Business Dictionary provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of key business terminology and concepts available....
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Cathy Haase Acting for Film
Book DescriptionIn this must-have guide for aspiring performers, a veteran film actor shares her secrets for success when performing for film and television. Readers will discover exercises for relaxing the face to achieve maximum expressiveness;...
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Aristophanes Lysistrata & Other Plays: The Acharnians, the Clouds, Lysistrata (Penguin Classics)
Book DescriptionWriting at the time of political and social crisis in Athens Aristophanes was an eloquent yet bawdy challenger to the demagogue and the sophist. The Achanians is a plea for peace set against the background of the long war with...
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Gary Stochl On City Streets : Chicago, 1964-2004 (Center for American Places-Center Books on American Places)
Book Description City streets are perhaps the most paradoxically anonymous and personal of all public spaces in the city: people blindly collide in their rush to reach their destinations, while the homeless look for humanity amid the thousands...
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Diane Swanson The Balloon Sailors
Book DescriptionBased on true events from the time of the Berlin Wall. When King Frack and King Frick divide their kingdom with a tall wall, Tamala and her brother send balloon messages over the wall to their beloved grandmother. Then Tamala...
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Dean Kowalski Classic Questions and Contemporary Film : An Introduction to Philosophy with PowerWeb: Philosophy
Book DescriptionThis new text/reader is the first major introduction to philosophy that incorporates movies as a key pedagogical element. Throughout the text, summaries of and references to current and classic films engage students, revealing what...
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Robert A. Beuka SuburbiaNation : Reading Suburban Landscape in Twentieth-Century American Fiction and Film
Book Description Green lawns, swimming pools, backyard barbecues: welcome to suburbia, the promised land of the American middle class. Or is it? To judge by the depiction of suburbia in prominent works of American fiction and film, the suburbs...
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Lisa Downing Patrice Leconte (French Film Directors)
Book Description Lisa Downing's comprehensive study of the films of Patrice Leconte traces lines of continuity and revision through a body of apparently disparate films whose "messages" often appear both contradictory and controversial. Pursuing...
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Домой Райдер Хаггард. Дочь Монтесумы
Дивайн Т.. Желанная
Хребтов В.А.. Физика
Гегель. Гегель. Энциклопедия философских наук. В трех
Русское радио
Мой мир
Robert Brokamp, Tom Gardner. The Motley Fool's Guide to Paying for School:
Юрий Клименченко. Жизнь и приключения Лонг Алека
Татьяна Бокова. Веселые стихи для детского сада
Н. С. Лесков. Н. С. Лесков. Собрание сочинений в одиннадцати
Оскар Уайльд. Оскар Уайльд. Избранные произведения
М. Ю. Тихомиров, Л. В. Тихомирова. Собственность на землю в Российской Федерации.
Виртуальные открытки
Калининград, Йошкар-Ола, Ноябрьск, Димитровград, Канск, Люберцы, Новый Уренгой, Димитровград, Барнаул, Ставрополь, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Якутск, Нефтекамск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Назрань, Пятигорск, Балаково, Тула, Владивосток, Барнаул, Альметьевск, Одинцово, Елец, Ковров,
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