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Елизавета Дьяконова Елизавета Дьяконова. Дневник русской женщины
Небогатая купеческая дочь Елизавета Дьяконова родилась в 1874 году в провинциальной Нерехте Костромской губернии и погибла при непонятных обстоятельствах в горах австрийского Тироля, не дожив до 28-летия. С юных лет вела дневник, который был впервые...
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Коренное население Северной Америки в современном мире
В монографии анализируются современное социоэкономическое положение и статус коренных жителей США и Канады. Рассматриваются проблемы сохранения этнокультурной самобытности индейцев и их борьба за свои права. Большое внимание уделяется вкладу...
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Marilyn Barrett The Ten Biggest Legal Mistakes Women Can Avoid : How to Protect Yourself, Your Children and Your Assets
Women are amazingly adept at multi-tasking, balancing home and work and relationships, managing finances, and taking care of things. Why then do we get ourselves into avoidable legal messes? During Marilyn Barrett's more than twenty years of...
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William A. Sherden The Fortune Sellers : The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions
"An ambitious, intelligent, and very readable guide to understanding our present and our future." —Harry Beckwith, Principal, Beckwith Advertising and Marketing and author of Selling the Invisible No one can foretell the future. Or can...
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Gareth R. Jones Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, Fourth Edition
This book provides the most current, thorough, and contemporary account of the factors affecting the organizational design process, making important organization theories accessible and interesting. It addresses the many issues and problems that...
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Susan D. Ward The Boardroom : Spiritual Strategies and Tactics for Surviving Life in Corporate America
"THE BOARDROOM" is a self-help book that enables a person to embark upon a spiritual journey that encompasses their 9-5 everyday work life. Within the pages of this book the reader will be able to integrate Biblical teachings and scripture in order...
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Andrei P. Tsygankov Pathways After Empire: National Identity and Foreign Economic Policy in the Post-Soviet World (New International Reslations of Europe)
This book explores how culture shapes foreign economic policy in post-Soviet states. After the Soviet empire fragmented, some of the newly emerged nations directed their economic activities primarily toward Russia and other former republics, while...
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Ian A. Bowles, Glenn T. Prickett Footprints in the Jungle: Natural Resource Industries, Infrastructure, and Biodiversity Conservation
With their tremendous resources and complex ecosystems, tropical forests are equally important to the environmental movement and the logging, mining, and oil industries. Although preserving biodiversity is a vital concern, development in the tropics...
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Benjamin J. Cohen The Future of Money
Is globalization leading us toward a world of fewer and fewer currencies and, consequently, simplified monetary management? Many specialists believe this is the case, as the territorial monopolies national governments have long claimed over money...
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Craig R. Hickman The Strategy Game
Will the fictional MedTech, Inc., survive or die? The outcome is up to readers of this uniquely challenging book. Chapter by chapter they must hammer out the tough sequence of choices that a real CEO must make. The fun lies in the "what if?"...
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Agnieszka M. Winkler Warp Speed Branding: The Impact of Technology on Marketing
"We have all experienced the acceleration of our lives and our work towards Internet speed. Ms.Winkler has given us anecdotes, templates and commonsense advice, all focused on teaching us how to use the acceleration of technology to build...
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Домой А. А. Инджиев. 350 упражнений по основным правилам русского языка
1 пропущенный звонок. Рендзи Исибаси ("Лишь
Приключения Мальчика с пальчик и Дюймовочки. Мальчик-с-пальчик и Дюймовочка
Из рук в руки
Успенский В.А. Что такое аксиоматический метод
А. В. Ревенков, Е. В. Резчикова. Теория и практика
В. Н. Волчкова, Н. В. Степанова. Конспекты занятий в старшей группе
О компьютерах
Счет до 10. Книжка-наклейка. Детям от 3 лет. Эта
Липецк, Хабаровск, Воронеж, Волгоград, Энгельс, Электросталь, Калининград, Белгород, Калуга, Калининград, Нефтеюганск, Коломна, Томск, Москва , Москва, Мытищи, Екатеринбург, Якутск, Новороссийск, Хабаровск, Глазов, Москва, Уфа, Нефтекамск, Копейск, Якутск, Первоуральск, Брянск,
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