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Elizabeth Ratisseau (Editor) Meetings with the Fairies
In this sequel to our popular title Fairies (1998) Miss Ratisseau focuses on the encounters between humans and fairies. These meetings are always powerful - sometimes delightful, sometimes frightening. Fairies are most likely to reveal themselves to...
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Джим Батчер Могила в подарок. Летний рыцарь
Гарри Дрезден. Охотник на черную нежить, чья профессия - рисковать собственной шкурой в борьбе с порождениями Ночи. Изгой, некогда поднявший руку на собственного учителя и теперь! оставшийся со смертью один на один. ...
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John Ward Perpetuating The Family Business : 50 Lessons Learned from Long Lasting, Successful Families in Business
Book Description John L. Ward, a leading world expert on family business, offers the best practices of the most successful and long-lasting families in business, including Ford Motors, Marriott Hotels, Levi-Strauss, and the New York Times ...
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P. H. Collin Dictionary of Marketing
Book Description From market research and packaging to TV advertising and publicity, all aspects of marketing are defined and explained in this overview of marketing terminology. Useful supplements in this updated edition include SWOT...
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BINGHAM Business Marketing
Book DescriptionBusiness Marketing, 3/e by Bingham, Gomes, and Knowles provides students with the practical foundation they will need to become successful business marketers. By addressing real issues that face business-to-business (B2B) marketers...
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Curtis J. Montgomery Sun Tzu on Investing : 15 Strategies for Dynamic Investments
Book Description"Some of the wisest words for investors can be found in this book, not only because of Curtis Montgomery's extensive studies but also by the fascinating framework he uses. Applying Chinese philosophy and particularly that of Sun Tzu...
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Носовский Г., Фоменко А. Библейская Русь. Т. 2
От издателя: «Книга является новым исследованием по приложениям математической хронологии к реконструкции древней и средневековой истории с помощью статистических методов. Книга посвящена реконструкции истории Руси XV-XVII вв. на основе анализа...
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Elizabeth Prettejohn Beauty And Art (Oxford History of Art)
Book DescriptionWhat do we mean when we call a work of art "beautiful"? How have artists responded to changing notions of the beautiful? Which works of art have been called beautiful, and why? Fundamental and intriguing questions to artists and srt...
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David R. George III The Dominion and Ferenginar (Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Vol. 3)
Book Description Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection,...
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Liza Baker Harold and the Purple Crayon: Under the Sea (Festival Reader)
Book Description It is a hot night and Harold cannot sleep, so he grabs his purple crayon and draws a swimming hole. With his dog, Lilac, by his side, Harold finds more than just a way to cool down -- he meets fish of every shape and size, and...
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John Halal Hair Care Products Ingredients Dictionary (Milady's Hair Care Product Ingredients Dictionary)
Book Description "Milady?s Hair Care Product Ingredients Dictionary" contains a current and comprehensive list of the ingredients that are likely to be found in professional hair care products for salon use and retail products for home use. ...
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Домой Работа
Е. Наумов. Маяковский в первые годы советской
Caroline S. Wagner, Allison Yezril. Global Science & Technology
Агент майл.ру
Е. И. Чепанова. Грамматика немецкого языка.
Mahfuzur Rahman, Rahman Mahfuzur. World Economics Issues
Русское радио
Туристический самонадувной коврик "Expedition". 196 см х 60
В. Коновалов. Совсем другая медицина
Mark Baker. Internet Programming with OmniMark
Peter Weill, Michael Vitale. Place to Space: Migrating to Ebusiness
Вадим Кожинов. Победы и беды России
Мартин К.. Чудесное путешествие
Артём, Якутск, Щёлково, Новотроицк, Рязань, Прокопьевск, Сызрань,
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