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Avram Taylor Working Class Credit and Community Since 1918
This book explores the forms of credit which have historically been associated with the British working class. Taylor seeks to assess the effect of credit on working class communities, and relates this to the debate about community. This work is the...
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John Wilson How to Make Your First Million Investing in Real Estate
How to make your first million investing in real estate. ...
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Paul G., Ph.D. Whitmore, Paul Whitmore How to Make Smart Decisions About Training: Save Money, Time, & Frustration
How do you maximize your company's competitive advantage? In the past, the answer was technology. But in today's global marketplace, nearly all corporations are technology-oriented. The new competitive edge is human performance. Unfortunately, few...
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Adrian Slywotzky, David J. Morrison, Bob Andelman The Profit Zone: How Strategic Business Design Will Lead You to Tomorrow's Profits
The book that answers the most fundamental question in business: Where Will I Make a Profit Tomorrow? Why do some companies create sustained, superior profits year after year? Why are they always far ahead of their competitors in discovering...
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T. F. Peterson Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at Mit
Before the term hacking became associated with computers, MIT undergraduates used it to describe any activity that took their minds off studying, suggested an unusual solution to a technical problem, or generally fostered nondestructive mischief....
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Eric Bonabeau, Marco Dorigo, Guy Theraulaz Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems (SANTA FE INSTITUTE STUDIES IN THE SCIENCES OF COMPLEXITY PROCEEDINGS)
This book provides a rigorous look at the mechanisms underlying collective behavior in social insects. The field is developing rapidly, and the book includes up-to-date research from biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, robotics,...
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Robert T. Grauer, Maryann T. Barber Brief Microsoft Office 2000 Professional (Grauer, Robert T., Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 Series.)
All books in this series offer consistent presentation?common design, pedagogy, and writing style. Concepts as well as key-strokes are stressed. Hands-on exercises in every lesson provide just the right amount of practice time. MOUS...
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Vangalur S. Alagar, K. Periyasamy Specification of Software Systems (Graduate Texts in Computer Science (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.).)
This graduate-level text provides a one semester introduction to program specification. Readers are assumed to have a working knowledge of software engineering and basic discrete mathematics, but otherwise this may their first encounter with formal...
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Darren Redfern, Edgar Chandler, Ed Chandler The Maple O.D.E. Lab Book
This book and disk package is a supplement to any currently existing introductory text on Ordinary Differential Equations and uses Maple V as a computational tool to further understanding and importance. Maple is a powerful symbolic computer...
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Curt Frye, Curtis Frye Excel: Pocket Guide
Packed with information, the Excel Pocket Guide is a compact reference that covers such basics as creating workbooks, entering data, printing, cell formatting, and spell checking. For more advanced users, the book provides handy information...
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От 7 до 10 лет. Азбука живой природы
Книга знакомит с растениями и животными леса. Популярные статьи дополнены отрывками из рассказов писателей-натуралистов. Среди справочного материала - приметы сельскохозяйственного календаря и народного погодоведения, связанные с лесными растениями...
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Домой Яндекс
Дж. Кришнамурти. Зеркало отношений: любовь, секс и
Николай Тимощук. История в шахматах
Sean Michael Lucas. Robert Lewis Dabney: A Southern Presbyterian Life (American
Гарольд Лэмб. Омар Хайям. Гений, поэт,
Patrick M. Lencioni. The Five Dysfunctions
Н. А. Дурова. Записки кавалерист-девицы. Происшествие
Записная книжка П. А. Вяземского. В книгу, открывающую собой серию "Жемчужины
Русское радио
Михаэль Гаухман. Алгебра сигнатур
Дербент, Белгород, Волжский, Находка, Ачинск, Одинцово, Грозный, Владивосток, Канск, Ногинск, Ульяновск, Курск, Новороссийск, Набережные Челны, Тула, Ухта, Москва , Казань, Кызыл, Архангельск, Пермь, Копейск, Химки, Армавир, Тобольск, Стерлитамак, Москва, Чебоксары, Муром, Саранск,
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