Richard Taylor

Hills & Mountains (Pocket Watercolor)

Book Description Through professional instruction, large photos of paintings, and close-ups of detail, see how artists create green rolling hills, purple mountains’ majesty, or white-capped peaks. Portray the grass and trees on a lawn; the...

Karen Kasmauski

Impact : On the Frontlines of Global Health

Book DescriptionThe eradication of smallpox proved that the world could unite to fight a common enemy. But this extraordinary triumph was soon eclipsed by the ferocious spread of AIDS, a humbling reminder that new infections still threaten. Today,...

Permanent Food

Book DescriptionThe word appropriate can have two very different meanings depending on whether it is used as an adjective or a verb. In the case of Permanent Food , artist Maurizio Cattelan and Paola Manfrin's periodical of pilfering,...

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo's Anatomical Drawings (Art Library)

Book Description Using scientific methods in his investigations of the human body-the first ever by an artist-Leonardo da Vinci was able to produce remarkably accurate depictions of the "ideal" human figure. This exceptional collection reprints...

Sophie Powell

The Mushroom Man

Here, much to everyone's delight, is Sophie Powell's debut. Charlotte and Beth are sisters whose lives have turned out very differently. Charlotte lives in London with her successful husband and six-year-old daughter Lily, who naturally gets the...

Kevin Yarbrough

The Fire Within

In her thirty years of life Elysia Reeves has endured a lot from her mother?everything from physical and mental abuse to the forced rape that she endured routinely under her mother?s watchful eye. But her mother isn?t trulya woman....

Joseph R. Urgo

Faulkner and His Contemporaries (Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series)

Book DescriptionEssays by Houston A. Baker, Jr., Deborah Clarke, Grace Elizabeth Hale, W. Kenneth Holditch, M. Thomas Inge and Donaria Romeiro Carvalho Inge, Donald M. Kartiganer, George Monteiro, Daniele Pitavy-Souques, Peggy Whitman...

Alan B Marcovitz

Introduction to Logic Design with CD ROM

Book DescriptionIntroduction to Logic Design by Alan Marcovitz is intended for the first course in logic design, taken by computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering students. As with the first edition, the new edition is...

Nelson George

Night Work : A Novel

Book Description "In New York City, there are at least three times as many doors as people. I work behind those closed doors. I work in darkness even when the light is on. My name is Night and I do night work." ...

Arthur Yorinks

Maurice Sendak's Seven Little Monsters: Bedtime Story - Book #3 (Maurice Sendak's Seven Little Monsters)

Book DescriptionThe Seven Little Monsters love a good story, but they do not like to go to bed! A bedtime story from Mama helps the monsters go to sleep....

Peter Burckhardt

Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, Second Edition

Book DescriptionThis book is based on presentations given at the Fifth International Symposium on Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis held in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2003. Although an often neglected chapter of medical research, the nutritional...

<<<  Что такое. Кто такой. Детская энциклопедия. Издание знакомит со многими областями ...             Robert Fischer, Jens Fischer. Candlesticks, Fibonacci, ... >>>

Т. Ю. Платонова. Пособие для учеников A. M. Blair, David Hitchcock, Alasdair Blair. Евгений Крылов. Пароконвектомат: технологии О. А. Новиковская. Логопедическая грамматика для малышей. Пособие для занятий Конан и Нефритовый Кубок. Юный бесшабашный Поиск мета Запределье. И ты окажешься за пределами реальности. От создателя Счетчик Monika Zulauf. Migrant Women Professionals in the European Union Н. М. Карамзин. История государства Российского. В 12 томах.
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