Frank K. Sonnenberg

Managing with a Conscience: How to Improve Performance Through Integrity, Trust, and Commitment

In a world where change is an everyday occurrence, business as usual is a guaranteed recipe for failure. Managing With a Conscience spells out a better option for improving long-term corporate and individual success: restore traditional values and...

Alchemy for Managers : Turning experience into achievement

Alchemy for Managers demonstrates how you can develop yourself through the actual experience of managing. Alchemy for Managers shows: - how you can use your practical experience as a self-contained means to develop yourself - without...

John L. Chan

China Streetsmart: What You MUST Know to be Effective and Profitable in China

Learn how to set up and run profitable businesses in the most alluring market, China. Stays away from theories and focuses on practical advice from real professionals with proven results in China, which is easy to understand and...

Managing Creativity and Innovation (Harvard Business Essentials)

Innovation is an undisputed catalyst for company growth, yet many managers across industries fail to create a climate that encourages and rewards innovation. Managing Creativity and Innovation explores the manager's role in sparking organizational...

James J. O'Brien, Fredric L. Plotnick

CPM In Construction Management

Tried and true CPM scheduling streamliner. Now in its 5th edition, this must-have resource for using Critical Path Method shows you exactly how to build speed, accuracy, and flexibility into construction project scheduling. CPM in Construction...

Cybermarketing: How to Use the Internet to Market Your Goods and Services

'Cybermarketing' is a no-nonsense structured guide to using the Internet for marketing and is essential reading for all marketers and managers who need to know how to use the Internet to promote and sell their product. This new edition both...

Michael Barlotta, Mike Barlotta

Jaguar Development With Powerbuilder 7 (Powerbuilder Developer's Library)

Serving as an introduction to the PowerBuilder developer who has no experience of distributed technologies or Jaguar CTS, this book focuses on component development using Jaguar with PowerBuilder and shows what it takes to build an application. ...

Jack Kessler

Internet Digital Libraries: The International Dimension

This first-of-its-kind book explores the fast-changing world of international digital libraries -- their current status as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with their continuing development. The book takes readers on a...

Oral Cancer - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Reference

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

AAAI-88: Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence

AAAI proceedings describe innovative concepts, techniques, perspectives, and observations that present promising research directions in artificial intelligence....

Олард Диксон

Мистерии мухомора. Применение галюциногенного гриба в шаманской практике

Книга "Мистерии Мухомора" представляет собой научное исследование роли красного мухомора в ритуальной практике сибирских шаманов. Надо отметить, что прежде этому галлюциногену не было уделено достаточного внимания со стороны специалистов. Теперь...

<<<  Иван Фирсов. Головнин. Дважды плененный             Антон Монин. Как сэкономить на маркетинге и не ... >>>

Грант Льюи. Астрология для миллионов с эфемеридами Уильям Шекспир. Макбет. Антоний и Клеопатра. Номерной экземпляр Ответы Поиск мета QIP.ру Новости И. А. Дамаскин. 1000 необъясненных загадок Андрей Курпатов. 3 ошибки наших родителей. Конфликты и комплексы Марина Колобова. Будут внуки: Все опять повторится Василий Аксенов. Москва Ква-Ква Ричард Херринг. Говорящий член. Торжество мужского достоинства Джеймс Кейн. Двойная страховка Дмитрий Нагишкин. Сердце Бонивура Чекин А.Л.. Математика: 3 класс: Учебник: В 2 ч.: Ч. 1 (под ред. Чураковой Образцова Л.Н.. Счастливое ожидание
Нефтекамск, Красноярск, Миасс, Нефтекамск, Междуреченск, Ачинск, Оренбург, Киров, Красноярск, Ковров, Пенза, Находка, Сызрань, Сызрань, Псков, Улан-Удэ, Подольск, Архангельск, Вологда, Иваново, Уссурийск,
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