Пол Андерсон

Настанет время... Звездный лис

Романы известного американского писателя Пола Андерсона открывают перед читателями фантастический мир, герои которого перемещаются во времени, вступают в контакт с внеземными цивилизациями, ненавидят и любят, страдают и радуются. Увлекательные...

Janet Lowe

The Man Who Beats the S&P: Investing with Bill Miller

"Janet Lowe?s summary of Bill Miller?s incredible investment record and its origins are a must read for all serious investors." ?Mason Hawkins, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Southeastern Asset Management, Inc. and...

Gary S. Fields

Distribution and Development: A New Look at the Developing World

Most of the world's people live in "developing" economies, as do most of the world's poor. The predominant means of economic development is economic growth. In this book Gary Fields asks to what extent and in what circumstances economic growth...

Daniel Cohen, Thomas Piketty, Gilles Saint-Paul

The Economies of Rising Inequalities

The Economics of Rising Inequalities brings together work by leading economists on the rise of inequality in the United States and some European countries that has been observed in the last two decades. These contributions are both theoretical and...

Gerald P. Koocher, Patricia Keith-Spiegel, Patricia Ethics in Psychology Keith-Spiegel

Ethics in Psychology: Professional Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology, Vol 3)

Whether one's interests lie in psychological practice, counseling, research, or the classroom, psychologists today must deal with a broad range of ethical issues--from charging fees to maintaining a client's confidentiality, and from conducting...

David Perry, Jay Conrad Levinson

Career Guide for the High-Tech Professional: Where the Jobs Are Now and How to Land Them

Getting the exact job you want with the company you want is either highly improbable or a cinch. It's highly improbable if you play by the old rules, a cinch if you play by the new rules and go about your task in the ways suggested by David Perry in...

Ilan Alon

Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy

As China's markets evolve, marketing strategy must adapt to meet changing circumstances. Alon and his contributors provide a comprehensive look at how economic transition affects marketings strategies across a wide range of industries, including...

David Dooley, Joann Prause

The Social Costs of Underemployment: Inadequate Employment As Disguised Unemployment

Comparing the effects of unemployment and inadequate employment relative to adequate employment, this text studies their effects on self-esteem, alcohol abuse, depression, and birth weight. Using longitudinal methods, it measures controls for...

Graham Bird

International Finance and the Developing Economies

There are many challenges facing the economies of developing countries. Capital volatility, financial crises, aid, debt and the IMF are all issues that have received a great deal of attention over recent years. In International Finance and...

Kathryn P. Rea

On Time Technology Implementation: How to Achieve Implementation Success with Limited Time and Resources

On Time Technology Implementation presents technology implementation guidelines and lessons learned from over 30 years of successful, hands-on project experience. Key Features * How to prevent the top 10 reasons for implementation...

Simon Bell, Trevor Wood-Harper, A. T. Wood-Harper

How to Set Up Information Systems: A Non-Specialist's Guide to the Multiview Approach

A spectacular dialogue of the deaf has been on going for many years. Information systems are as misunderstood today as they have been for a decade. The designers who make them, the managers who commission them and the stakeholders who use them...

<<<  В. Катаев. В. Катаев. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. ...             Leona Rostenberg, Madeleine Stern. Old Books, Rare ... >>>

Diane Bloomfield. Torah Yoga : Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Константин Симонов. Живые и мертвые. Роман в трех книгах. В. Д. Черный. Методические рекомендации и материалы к изучению Tyler Cowen. Creative Destruction: How Globalization Т. В. Николаева. Собрание древнерусского искусства в Загорском музее Oldest Biography of Spinoza. Book Description1927. The only Майкл Коннелли. Теснина Синди Дэйл. Совершенствуем тело при помощи чакр Сергей Лукьяненко. Рыцари Сорока Островов. Мальчик и Тьма. Лечение зависимостей. Полный справочник. В данном Лиза Сасмэн. Сексуальные позиции: более 100 полезных советов Белянинова Ю.В.. Комментарий к Уголовно-исполнительному П. Ч. Тун, Х. Д. Р. Бейкер. Китайский за три месяца
Южно-Сахалинск, Новошахтинск, Якутск, Альметьевск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Новочеркасск, Киселёвск, Новомосковск, Красноярск, Самара, Елец,
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