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Richard B. McKenzie, Dwight R. Lee Managing Through Incentives: How to Develop a More Collaborative, Productive, and Profitable Organization
Incentives are the most powerful tools executives can use to improve worker performance. This is particularly true in today's empowered workplace, where incentives can ensure that workers apply their initiative toward company goals. Now, in this...
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W.W. Rostow Process of Economic Growth
Revised edition...
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Yongzheng Yang, Weiming Tian China's Agriculture at the Crossroads
After twenty years of rapid economic growth, China is facing a critical decision on its agricultural policy. It can either continue to pursue a food self-sufficiency policy or further integrate its economy into the world market. This book...
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J. J. Graafland, Arie P. Ros, Johan J. Graafland Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make Sense?
In the Netherlands, the election programmes of the political parties are assessed for their economic impact by an independent economic bureau. The result of this analysis is published just before the elections take place. In this way, the voter will...
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William D. Stansfield Death of a Rat: Understandings and Appreciations of Science
Is science amoral? Are scientists ethical? Why is the pathway to solving important scientific problems commonly so tortuous? Can unorthodox ideas get a fair trial from the scientific establishment? How do religion and politics influence science...
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Susan Buckingham Local Environmental Sustainability
Arguably the most significant result of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, Local Agenda 21 defined the importance of the role of local programs in sustainable development. The importance of Local Agenda 21 has been underlined more recently by the...
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Kecheng Liu, Rodney J. Clarke, Peter Bogh Andersen, Ronald K. Stamper, El-Sayed Abou-Zeid Organizational Semiotics: Evolving a Science of Information Systems : Ifip Tc8/Wg8.1 Working Conference on Organizational Semiotics, Evolving a Science of Information Systems (Ifip International Federation for Information Processing, 227)
Organizational Semiotics regards organizations as the real information systems in which technologies have an essential role to play. It develops this perspective using the established discipline of semiotics, the theory of signs. A sign is anything...
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Alan Andreasen, Philip Kotler Strategic Marketing for NonProfit Organizations (6th Edition)
Reflecting the most recent, relevant information in the field, this best-selling text forms a conceptual and practical foundation for marketing in nonprofit organizations. Its coverage encompasses the entire marketing process, providing valuable...
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Richard Hyman Understanding European Trade Unionism: Between Market, Class and Society
`Everyone concerned over the construction of a truly social Europe will learn much from this thoughtful and probing study." - Professor Colin Crouch, Istituto Universitario Europeo In this comprehensive overview...
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Milan D. Meeske Copywriting for the Electronic Media With Infotrac: A Practical Guide
This text helps students learn how to write effective copy for all types of electronic media with an emphasis on commercial writing. It begins with the introduction of the basic principles and techniques of good copywriting, then moves on to dozens...
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Janet Drez Putting The Pieces Together
On any journey, it always helps to have a guide. On life's journey, as Christian women, we can rely on the Bible to be our guide. On the journey into home-based business ownership, let this manual be your guide. "Putting The Pieces Together"...
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Домой Helen Abadzi. Improving Adult Literacy Outcomes:
Г. Скребицкий. Сказки следопыта
Софья Прокофьева. Тайна Хрустального замка
Каталог софта
Алена Зайцева, Леонид Яхнин. Готовим вместе
Психология посттравматического стресса. Часть 1. Теория и методы. Первая часть
Фред Иди. Сетевой и межсетевой обмен данными с
Николай Гоголь. Мертвые души
Березники, Новотроицк, Самара, Арзамас, Находка, Томск, Новокуйбышевск, Саранск, Владивосток, Дербент, Питер, Воронеж, Новомосковск, Ухта, Пятигорск, Елец, Одинцово, Владивосток,
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