Марк Твен

Приключения Гекльберри Финна (аудиокнига MP3)

"Приключения Гекльберри Финна" (1884) - повесть, являющаяся продолжением книги "Приключения Тома Сойера". Герой и рассказчик книги Гек Финн - бездомный мальчик, но он никогда не променяет свои лохмотья и бочку, служившую ему приютом, на "гнусные и...

И. И. Мазур, В. Д. Шапиро, Н. Г. Ольдерогге


В учебном пособии системно рассмотрены вопросы девелопмента, являющегося проводником новых рыночных идей в инвестиционном комплексе. Освещены основные элементы девелопмента, включая: концепцию девелопмента; подготовку и реализацию...

M. S. Mastel

Telecom Audit: A Complete Cost-Reduction Strategy for Your Corporate Telecommunications Bills

Phone systems, service, data networks, and the Internet are critical pieces of any company's communications. And most IT professionals don't understand the effects of deregulation and parallel technologies on the bottom line. Telecommunications...

Gordon Boyce, Simon Ville, Simon P. Ville

The Development of Modern Business

This text blends economic theory with empirical evidence to chart business development over the last two centuries in the U.K., the U.S., Japan, and Australia. It addresses enduring concerns for entrepreneurs and managers and demonstrates the value...

Andrea L. Kavanaugh

The Social Control of Technology in North Africa: Information in the Global Economy

In order to improve productivity and economic development, developing countries have been expanding their telecommunications infrastructure and integrating advanced information technology into their socioeconomic system. Some scholars argue that new...

Kent E. Portney

Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously: Economic Development, the Environment, and Quality of Life in American Cities (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)

Today at least twenty-five major U.S. cities have pursued some form of sustainability initiative. Although many case studies and "how-to" manuals have been published, there has been little systematic comparison of these cities' programs and...

Philip M. Parker

Climatic Effects on Individual, Social, and Economic Behavior : A Physioeconomic Review of Research Across Disciplines (Bibliographies and Indexes in Geography)

This first interdisciplinary review on how climate affects human behavior provides an introductory framework for research in the field, surveys climatic data around the world, and covers over 3000 sources. The bibliography is organized topically...

Tom Donelson

Economics 101 and Other Thoughts

It's easy to see that Tom Donelson loves to learn. His chief interests are political science and economics. But he also delves into biography, boxing and rock 'n' roll. Sometimes, he mixes what he gleans from different disciplines to support...


Professional Communication Series: Public Speaking, Student Edition

The Professional Communication Series 1e—PUBLIC SPEAKING, Interviewing, Technical Communications, Multimedia Presentation Skills, and Managing Information in the Workplace are flexible modules that cover the important communication skills...

Stephen J. Hoch, Howard C. Kunreuther, Steve Hoch, Howard Kunreuther, Robert Gunther

Wharton on Making Decisions

"Wharton on Making Decisions provides a unique blend of theory and practical experience. The authors? insights are at many times humorous, always instructive, and definitely thought provoking. This book should be recommended reading for...

Azzedine Layachi

Economic Crisis and Political Change in North Africa

Using a political economy approach, Layachi and his contributors present a comprehensive analysis of recent economic, social, and political developments in North Africa. The volume offers a unique blend of sociological, economic, and political...

<<<  Константин Симонов. Константин Симонов. ...             Leona Rostenberg, Madeleine Stern. Old Books, Rare ... >>>

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Курск, Питер, Тольятти,
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