Майк Гейл

Скоро тридцать

`Скоро тридцать` - это рассказ о тех, кто родился в конце 60-70-х гг. XX века. Профессионалы, интеллектуалы - этих людей объединяет общее стремление к самоопределению. Что означает быть взрослым? Нужны ли мне отношения и какие? Семья. Друзья....

И. Ю. Одинокова, Т. А. Черниченко

Технология парикмахерских работ

Учебное пособие написано авторами на основе личного опыта преподавания в колледже парикмахерского искусства "Локон" и практической деятельности в салонах Санкт-Петербурга, соответствует требованиям стандарта начального профобразования для подготовки...

Lawrence Revsine, Daniel W. Collins, W. Bruce Johnson

Financial Reporting and Analysis (2nd Edition)

Financial Reporting and Analysis, Second Edition reveals the truths hidden behind the numbers and shows the pitfalls to avoid when analyzing financial statements. A focus on core topics allows readers to examine the economic and...

Horace R. Brock, Linda Herrington

Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications, Text (Accounting Series)

Cost Accounting provides comprehensive coverage of cost accounting principles and techniques in short learning segments that make it easier for students to learn and understand the material. In addition to a clear, concise writing style, carefully...

Blythe Camenson

Real People Working in Government (On the Job Series)

On The Job Series (Real People Working in…) Dozens of firsthand interviews with real-world practitioners are combined with the latest statistics on the hottest career areas. The result is a reader-friendly series that's ideal for those who...

Gordon B. Baty, Michael S. Blake

Entrepreneurship: Back to Basics

An informative resource for the entrepreneur or would-be entrepreneur....

Rudra Sil

Managing "Modernity": Work, Community, and Authority in Late-Industrializing Japan and Russia

In Managing "Modernity," Rudra Sil examines how institution-builders respond to the competing influences of institutional models and inherited social legacies as they attempt to generate and sustain authority in late-industrializing...

Geoffrey D. Wood, Iffath A. Sharif

Who Needs Credit?: Poverty and Finance in Bangladesh

In recent years Micro-credit, the loan of small sums to people excluded from normal banking processes, has emerged as an important and growing issue in Development Policy. The result of disillusionment with the ability of either government...

Robin Law

From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce: The Commercial Transition in Nineteenth-Century West Africa (African Studies, No 86)

This edited collection, written by leading specialists, deals with nineteenth-century commercial transition in West Africa: the ending of the Atlantic slave trade and development of alternative forms of "legitimate" trade. Approaching the subject...

Mark De Rond, Mark De Rond

Strategic Alliances As Social Facts: Business, Biotechnology, and Intellectual History

Strategic alliances are generally analyzed as planned and rational developments with clearly measurable outcomes in traditional management textbooks. Mark de Rond argues that such a view is unrealistic. Instead, he emphasizes the social dimension...

Darin J., Ph.D. Phillips

Facilitating Skills-Based Training Groups: For Trainers, Counselors, and Organizational Leaders

Twenty-eight activities and all of the questions necessary to create a great lesson plan for training, counseling, or teaching are rolled up into this classic book by Darin Phillips....

<<<  Марина Серова. Все о мужских грехах. Город ...             Leona Rostenberg, Madeleine Stern. Old Books, Rare ... >>>

Karl Marx. Theories of Surplus Value (Great Minds Series) В. А. Воробьев. Электрификация и автоматизация сельскохозяйственного производства Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, Edmund Weiner. The Ring of Words: Robert D., M.D. Milne. Poly-MVA: A New Supplement in the Маргарет Дойл, Дэвид Ламберт. Все о сексе Bruce Potter, Bob Fleck. 802.11 Security В. В. Крестовский. Тьма Египетская (аудиокнига MP3) Бесплатные объявления Мой мир Caroline Campbell, Alan Chong, Deborah Howard, J. Michael Rogers. Naguib Mahfouz, Raymond Stock. The Seventh Heaven: Supernatural Рассказы о природе и животных. В сборник известных русских писателей
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