K. Alec Chrystal, Rupert Pennant-Rea, British Association for the Advancement of Science Section F

Public Choice Analysis of Economic Policy (British Association for the Advancement of Science Books)

This authoritative collection assesses the scope and limitations of public choice theory for informing the choices of policy-makers. Theoretical contributions are combined with case studies of specific areas of economic policy, including the...

Georgios Doukidis, Nikolaos Mylonopoulos, Nancy Pouloudi

Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era

The advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in every form of the organization. Researchers, business people and policy...

World Economic Forum, Andrew M. Warner, Peter K. Cornelius, Harvard University Center for International Development

The European Competitiveness and Transition Report: Ratings of Accession Progress, Competitiveness, and Economic Restructuring of European and Transit

For over a decade, central and eastern Europe has been at the center of one of the most profound economic and political transformation in history. At the start of the 1990's, the region embarked on an ambitious reform program to depart from central...

Chun Wei Choo

The Knowing Organization: How Organizations Use Information to Construct Meaning, Create Knowledge, and Make Decisions

The Knowing Organization is the first text to look at how organizations behave as information-seeking, information-creating, and information-using communities, and offers models of how organizations behave and how information participates in that...

Rick Lamplugh

Job Search That Works (Crisp Fifty-Minute Books (Paperback))

A proven ten-step job search program developed primarily for individuals without a college degree....

Richard Miller Bird, James Alm

Public Finance in Developing and Transitional Countries: Essays in Honor of Richard Bird (Studies in Fiscal Federalism and Stated Local Finance Series)

It is hard to think of anyone who has contributed so much and so widely to research in international public finance in the last 40 years as has Richard Bird. This volume of essays emerged from a conference dedicated to him. It also expands on our...

John Nash

The Essential John Nash

When John Nash won the Nobel prize in economics in 1994, many people were surprised to learn that he was alive and well. Since then, Sylvia Nasar's celebrated biography, the basis of a new major motion picture, has revealed the man. The Essential...

William Peterson

Advances in Input-Output Analysis: Technology, Planning, and Development

Input-output analysis, developed by Nobel Prize winner Wassily Leontief, continues to be a vital area of research. Not only do academics find it a powerful tool in understanding how large scale economies--especially national economies--work, but...

Mary Poovey

The Financial System in Nineteenth-Century Britain (The Victorian Archives Series, 1)

This unique collection reveals how England rose to a position of international financial supremacy and how writing about finance both monitored and supported that triumph. Featuring primary documents drawn from the period's periodical and business...

Inc The Expansion Factor, Gary Nelson

Mexico High Tech 3000

An Annotated Directory of 3000 of the Most Prominent Users of Computer Technology in Mexico...

Justin Mamis

When to Sell: Inside Strategies for Stock-Market Profits

A classic book that was updated and revised in 1994, now with a new foreword written by the author. A meaningful analysis, a few rules to follow, how to choose good charts, and numerous case histories. Guidelines to follow which help you to be...

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