Э. И. Александрова

Рабочая тетрадь по математике №2. 4 класс (Система Д. Б. Эльконина - В. В. Давыдова)

Рабочая тетрадь входит в комплект к основному учебнику (книга 2). Она может быть также использована учителями, работающими по другим программам, при изучении понятий периметра и площади любой геометрической фигуры. Основное содержание...

Новая энциклопедия Юных Сурков: Отправляемся в поход

Юные Сурки, Билли, Вилли и Дилли предлагают тебе отправиться в поход. Ты узнаешь, как собирать рюкзак, строить шалаш, жарить шашлыки. Ты научишься увлекательным играм, в которые можно играть с друзьями на природе. Кроме того, тебя ждет куча...

George R. Zodrow, Peter M. Mieszkowski

United States Tax Reform in the 21st Century

Tax reform debates in the United States have for some time been dominated by the question of whether the existing corporate and individual income tax system should be replaced with some form of a national consumption tax. This book contains essays...

Edmund S. Phelps

Rewarding Work: How to Restore Participation and Self-Support to Free Enterprise

Since the 1970s, a gulf has opened between the pay of low-paid workers and the pay of the middle class. No longer able to earn a decent wage in respectable work, many have left the labor force, and the job attachment of those remaining has weakened,...

Solveig Singleton, Daniel T. Griswold

Economic Casualties: How U.S. Foreign Policy Undermines Trade, Growth, and Liberty

On a broad front, from high-tech export controls to unilateral sanctions, the U.S. government is curbing the freedom of Americans to trade, invest, and communicate with the rest of the world-all in the name of questionable foreign policy goals. In...

Harry E. Chambers

Getting Promoted: Real Strategies for Advancing Your Career

A practical and inspiring guide to moving up in your job and your career For any ambitious person in business today, climbing the corporate ladder seems more cutthroat and challenging than ever before. In Getting Promoted, Harry Chambers dispels...

Vivian Buchan

Make Presentations with Confidence

This revised and expanded edition covers basic topics related to business conferences, sales presentations, and other business-related information meetings. They include gathering and organizing facts, outlining the presentation, overcoming stage...

Linda L. Neider, Chester A. Schriescheim

Leadership (Research in Management)

CONTENTS: Forward and Commentary. Linda L. Neider and Chester A. Schriesheim. The Leader as Integrator: The Case of Jack Welch at General Electric. Edwin A. Locke. Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: A Levels-of-Analysis Review of Theory,...

Joseph M Abe, David A. Bassett, Patricia E. Dempsey

Business Ecology: Giving Your Organization the Natural Edge

Business ecology is a new field that synthesizes centuries of cultural wisdom, a close observation of natural systems, and proven business success strategies, such as strategic planning and total quality management. It emulates nature's systems...

John McCarter, Ray Schreyer

Recruit & Retain The Best

This book addresses the REAL issues behind labor shortage and retention concerns, advising employers of steps needed to successfully avoid the pitfalls of perilous planning....

Harry M. Kat

Structured Equity Derivatives: The Definitive Guide to Exotic Options and Structured Notes

"It has been said that in theory, theory translates into practice, but in practice it never does. This breakthrough book defies this conventional wisdom in a unique way. It is a must read for anyone interested in structuring derivatives products."...

<<<  Игорь Горанский. Евгений Ловчев. Биография в откровенных беседах             В Англии все наоборот. Антология английского ... >>>

Параграф 78: Пункт 1. Гоша Куценко ("Дикари"), Иван Тургенев. Ася. Первая любовь John Fogerty. The Long Road Home. Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями Лена Данилова. Пальчиковые игры Агент майл.ру Диета по Фэн Шуй. Люди, для которых актуальна РБК Беспроводной адаптер ASUS WL-160W поддерживает высокоскоростной Почта.ру
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