Г. Десслер

Управление персоналом

Книга посвящена актуальной для российского рынка теме - управлению персоналом предприятий. Рассматриваются административные и юридические аспекты, методы формирования мотиваций, подготовки и обучения кадров, разработки системы вознаграждений....

Линда Акредоло, Сьюзен Гудвин, Дуг Абрамс

Как разговаривать с ребенком, когда он еще не умеет говорить

Широкому кругу молодых родителей, имеющих эту книгу, будет гораздо легче и интереснее общаться со своим ребенком на втором году его жизни. ...

Ken Blanchard, Bill Hybels

Leadership by the Book: Tools to Transform Your Workplace

In today's changing business world, leaders face more challenges than ever before, whether from increased competition, new ways of reaching customers, or motivating people. Leadership by the Book is an exceptional new book, brimming with...

Sandy Pokras, Michael Crisp, Ralph Mapson

Team Problem-Solving (Fifty-Minute)

A practical approach to problem-solving and decision-making in business. Revised edition....

Patricia Larkins

Opportunities in Speech-Language Pathology Careers

Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job...

Eduardo Miranda

Running the Successful Hi-Tech Project Office (Artech House Technology Management and Professional Development Library)

This is your complete ?how to? book on establishing the Project Office as a methodology for managing multiple development initiatives within your organization. The book presents the PO (Project Office) as a model for use in a wide variety...

Per Jenster, David Hussey

Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability

It is vital for organisations to use company analysis to gain understanding of their limiting and enabling factors and strategic capabilities. Profits can then be maximised by selecting the most effective strategies, and through successful...

Nancy L. Rosenblum

Membership and Morals

In recent years, membership has dropped in traditional voluntary associations such as Rotary Clubs, Jaycees, and bowling leagues. At the same time, concern is rising about the growth of paramilitary and hate groups. Scholars have warned that these...

Michael M. Kloian

Sell It by Owner and Save

Sell It By Owner and Save is an absolute gold mine filled with practical tips, tools, and techniques that will help the owner prepare for and sell their property, without a real estate agent, saving thousands of dollars in commission fees (this book...

Ward Hanson

Principles of Internet Marketing

This pioneering textbook lays the foundation for using the most exciting marketing medium in decades. It shows what makes the Internet new and different, what techniques work and which dont, and how the Internet is creating value for customers and...

Moira Anderson Allen

Writing.Com: Creative Internet Strategies to Advance Your Writing Career

This indispensable resource tells writers of all kinds how to take full advantage of Internet technologies and resources to improve skills, increase sales, and build recognition. Both experienced and novice writers will learn how to use...

<<<  Вальтер Скотт. Вальтер Скотт. Собрание сочинений в 20 томах. ...             И-шен. Восточные секреты омоложения >>>

Футбол The Pfeiffer Handbook of Structured Experiences: Learning Activities Статистика Погода Jeff Cogswell. Designing Highly Useable Software Сергей Переслегин. Самоучитель игры на мировой Нигма D-12. Devils' Night. Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями. Сергей Дроботенко. И смех, и грех!.. (аудиокнига MP3) Почта.ру Sandra. The Wheel Of Time. К данному изданию Работа Йен Макдональд. Река Богов BBC: Сила искусства. Часть 3. Давид. Тернер (2 Tom Borg. Making Service Count: How To Deliver Lise Funderburg. The Color Purple: A Memory Book Агент майл.ру Путешествия Рейтинг Статистика
Ангарск, Нальчик, Нальчик, Ярославль, Омск, Белгород, Подольск, Елец, Глазов,
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