Н. Л. Шадрин

Русско-английский словарь устойчивых сравнений

Словарь содержит свыше 550 русских устойчивых сравнений и их соответствия в английском языке. Каждая словарная статья снабжена примерами, иллюстрирующими употребление фразеологических оборотов-сравнений в русской художественной и публицистической...

David F. Teitelbaum

The Procrastinator's Guide to Financial Security: How Anyone Over 40 Can Still Build a Strong Portfolio--and Retire Comfortably

For the burgeoning number of baby boomers, retirement is barreling full-steam ahead. And for many of them, having spent their lives focused more on consumption than on saving and investing, the future is looking pretty meager. According to a...

T. H. Lloyd

England and the German Hanse, 1157-1611: A Study of Their Trade and Commercial Diplomacy

The German Hanse was the most successful and most far-flung trade association that existed in medieval and early-modern Europe. Inevitably it appears prominently in every general study of trade, sometimes under the label of 'the Hanseatic League'....

William G. Roy

Socializing Capital

Ever since Adolph Berle and Gardiner Means wrote their classic 1932 analysis of the American corporation, The Modern Corporation and Private Property , social scientists have been intrigued and challenged by the evolution of this crucial part...

Ron Archer

Ron Archer On Teams

Teams have been hailed as the workplace revolution of the decade. But what happens when the team's ``honeymoon'' ends? When troubles arise and interest wanes? Never fear, says teamwork troubleshooter and motivational speaker Ron Archer. In this...

Suzanne D. Sparks

The Manager's Guide To Business Writing

In today’s fast-action business world, you are often required to write accurate, hard-hitting letters, memos, and reports—all at a moment’s notice! The Manager’s Guide to Business Writing contains practical guidelines for...

Devra Weber

Dark Sweat, White Gold: California Farm Workers, Cotton, and the New Deal

In her incisive analysis of the shaping of California's agricultural work force, Devra Weber shows how the cultural background of Mexican and, later, Anglo-American workers, combined with the structure of capitalist cotton production and New...

Brian Hillier

The Economics of Asymmetric Information

This book presents recent developments in the economics of asymmetric information....

Val Williams

Virtual Leadership

This little booklet gives leaders lots of tips for how to manage and coach their people when the staff is located in a different city or different country. When staff is in a different geographic location, how do you evaluate performance? coach...

Kevin J. Clancy, Peter C. Krieg

Counterintuitive Marketing: Achieve Great Results Using Uncommon Sense

Why does American business seem to sputter along where it ought to thrive? What is the source of the current plague of downsizing, disappearing companies, dot-com crashes, and here-today-gone-tomorrow advertising campaigns? Why do more products...

Gary S Moore, Kathryn Winograd, Dan Lange, Gary Moore, Kathryn Winograd, Dan Lange

You CAN Teach Online! The McGraw Hill Guide to Building Creative Learning Environments

You CAN Teach Online! is a web-enhanced text provides easy-to-follow examples of pedagogical techniques, and tools that will be useful for faculty interested in developing online courses in the traditional and online classrooms. Throughout the text,...

<<<  Хиты зарубежной эстрады для голоса в переложении для фортепиано, ...             И-шен. Восточные секреты омоложения >>>

ЖЖ Нигма Под редакцией. В. Н. Прилепской. Руководство Нигма Рамблер Знакомства CRONIAN. TERRA. Исполнитель: CRONIAN Альбом: TERRA Ответы Вики В. Ф. Перфилов, Р. Н. Скогорева, Н. В. Усова. С. Ахматнуров. Зависимость от алкоголя и возвращение свободы Гого Новости Морис Леблан. Графиня Калиостро (аудиокнига Российская газета Счетчик Лента Guillermo Martinez. The Oxford Murders Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации. Часть четвертая. 1 января Параграф 78: Пункт 1. Гоша Куценко ("Дикари"), Л. М. Пчелинцева. Семейное право России У. Гренандер. Лекции по теории образов. В трех томах. Том 3
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