Ф. Голдсборо, Р. Нунан

Ф. Голдсборо. Алое колдовство. Р. Нунан. Шепот из прошлого

Прюденс, Пайпер и Фиби не догадываются, что семейство колдунов охотится на них. Они не подозревают, что один из колдунов вошел в их жизнь в обличии друга... Демон перенес Фиби Холлиуэл в прошлое, на несколько веков назад. Она не знает, как...

Марк Тедески

Анатомия для исцеления и боевых искусств

Эта книга знакомит читателей, и особенно целителей и мастеров боевых искусств, с основополагающими теориями строения тела человека, принятыми в западной и восточной медицине. Приведенные здесь обзоры анатомических концепций, детальное описание...

Michael J. Gerhardt

The Federal Appointments Process: A Constitutional and Historical Analysis (Constitutional Conflicts)

The Federal Appointments Process provides a unique, comprehensive overview of the constitutional dynamics and significance of the federal appointments process throughout American history. Michael J. Gerhardt includes each American president?s...

Thomas E. Vollmann

The Transformation Imperative: Achieving Market Dominance Through Radical Change

This book will challenge managers to rethink how they manage change. The author argues that only when change programs are deep and fully integrated across the organization can the enterprise truly be transformed. And the alternative to...

Peter Konecny

Gogol's Ghost: Life in St. Petersburg Between Communism and Capitalism

This book examines aspects of life in St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city, in the early years of Russia's transformation from a Communist state to a democracy. Social relations, economics and street life in St. Petersburg changed...

Bernadette H. Schell, Nellie M. Lanteigne

Stalking, Harassment, and Murder in the Workplace : Guidelines for Protection and Prevention

Researched and written by two specialists in human resource management and workplace law, respectively here is sensible, practical advice on how to recognize, understand, cope with, and prevent a major and still growing crime in today's...

Ken Blanchard, Eunice Parisi-Carew

The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams

Never before in the history of the workplace has the concept of teamwork been more important to the functioning of successful organizations. Ken Blanchard, bestselling coauthor of Raving Fans, The One Minute Manager, and Gung Ho! teams up...

Clinton O. Longenecker, Jack L. Simonetti, Clint Longenecker

Getting Results: Five Absolutes for High Performance, 6 x 9

You have the vision. Now you have the means to achieve it. Written by two experts from the University of Michigan Business School, this book outlines a proven five-step process for achieving the organizational imperatives you want in a systematic...

Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel

Towards the Formation of a Sustainable South Florida: An Analysis of Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building in the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Initiative


Dan Birlew

Onimusha(tm) 3: Demon Siege Official Strategy Guide (Brady Games)

BradyGames' Onimusha 3 Demon Siege Official Strategy Guide supplies extensive information to give gamers the upper hand in every battle they face. Detailed maps of every area help players discover all crucial items to lead them through the past and...

Metoclopramide - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Refere

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

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