Dianna Booher

Communicate With Confidence!

Say The Right Thing-In Any Business or Social Situation! Each year thousands of executives pack Dianna Booher's seminars to learn to express themselves more clearly and confidently at work and at play. Now this master communicator has distilled over...

Dorothy Leonard, Walter C. Swap

Deep Smarts: How to Cultivate and Transfer Enduring Business Wisdom

Not All Knowledge Is Created Equal Deep smarts are the engine of any organization-as well as the essential value that individuals build over their careers. Distinct from I.Q., this type of expertise consists of practical wisdom:...

Ralph C. Stayer, James A. Belasco

Flight of the Buffalo : Soaring to Excellence, Learning to Let Employees Lead

In Flight of the Buffalo, James Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer combine expertise, insight, and passion to show how the nature of management must change if a company expects to survive in the white-knuckle world of modern business. Going beyond the...

Aspatore Books Staff, Bigwig Briefs Staff, BigwigBriefs.com

Career Options for Law School Students: Leading Partners From the World's Top Firms Provide a Glimpse Into the Real World Life in Various Practice Areas & Reveal the Secrets to Personal & Professional Success as Lawyer

Bigwig Briefs: Career Options for Law School Students includes knowledge excerpts from some of the biggest name lawyers in the world including partners from Hogan & Hartson, Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak & Seas, Buchanan Ingersoll, Palmer & Dodge,...

Larry D. Neal, Daniel Barbezat, Larry Neal

The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe

This book integrates economic analysis, political logic, and historical interpretation to convey an American perspective on the movement towards European integration, the external constraints integration faces, and the interplay of national...

A. J. H. Latham, Heita Kawakatsu

Asia-Pacific Dynamism, 1550-2000 (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)

This volume showcases the latest research by a team of international scholars into the economic development of the Asia Pacific region. A geographically and historically diverse range of case studies assess core elements, such as industrialisation,...

Jerry L. Holechek, Richard A. Cole, James T. Fisher, Raul Valdez

Natural Resources: Ecology, Economics, and Policy (2nd Edition)

Unlike other natural resource management volumes that focus solely on the ecological aspects of resources?and with an overly pessimistic view of the future?this volume explores natural resource management in...

Deborah Sporton, David S. G. Thomas

Sustainable Livelihoods in Kalahari Environments: A Contribution to Global Debates (Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies Series)

This collection provides a comprehensive overview of the dynamics of contemporary natural resource based livelihoods and implications for their sustainability in the context of the Kalahari environment of southern Africa, a region subject to marked...

Patrick Heenan, Monique Lamontagne, Amacom

The Central and East European Handbook: Prospects into the 21st Century (Regional Handbooks of Economic Development--Prospects Onto the 21st century)

The Regional Handbook and Economic Development Series examines key issues affecting the economic growth of developing regions throughout the world and is designed to help business managers, researchers, and market specialists understand a variety of...

Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon

Management Information Systems ActiveBook

This interactive, online, digital book uses multimedia resources to greatly enhance the learning experience. With relevant coverage of today's Digital Firm that is fully integrated throughout the 7th edition of Management Information Systems ...

Jeff Gee, Val Gee, Jeff Gee, Val Gee

Super Service: Seven Keys to Delivering Great Customer Service...Even When You Don't Feel Like It!...Even When They Don't Deserve It!

Unlike other customer service books, Jeff and Valerie Gee's concise motivational book is written both for executives and managers, but for the millions of front-line workers who serve customers directly. The authors share their straightforward,...

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