Lois Peltz, Lois Peltz

The New Investment Superstars: 13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior Returns

Praise for The New Investment Superstars "Lois Peltz?s profiles of these outstanding money managers are interesting, insightful, and comprehensive. For anyone who is a serious investor in hedge funds, this book is...

Sidney J. Gray, Stephen B. Salter, Lee H. Radebaugh

Global Accounting and Control : A Managerial Emphasis

"International Bulletins" provide current and relevant side bars to enliven discussion and enhance learning. * Exercises and cases are provided at the end of every chapter....

Steve Delsohn

The Fire Inside: Firefighters Talk About Their Lives

Real-life firefighters speak with candor about what it's like to live and work in the line of duty. Gathered here are personal stories from men and women on everything from the daily grind and the effects of their work on family to their encounters...

Fred M. Gottheil

Principles of Economics and Gottheil X-tra! CD-ROM

This text conveys the principles of economics in a superb conversational style that engages students in the material unlike any other text. By appealing to students' interests and language; using familiar stories, illustrations, and scenarios and a...

Knowledge and Strategy (Knowledge Reader)

This is the first knowledge book in the Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy Readers' series to link the two hot topics of knowledge and strategy. The book centers around the concept of treating organizational knowledge as a valuable strategy...

Richard P. Rumelt, David Teece

Fundamental Issues in Strategy, A Research Agenda

Twenty-two of the most important and influential strategy thinkers identify the fundamental questions and issues in the field today. Addressing four critical questions (How do firms behave? Why are firms different? What are the functions of the...


Write to the Top : Writing for Corporate Success

Now reorganized into an easy-to-follow, six step approach to effective writing for every business communication format....

Burt Nanus

Visionary Leadership (Jossey-Bass Management Series)

Warren Bennis writes,the book fills me with equal amounts of admiration and envy. For the first time ever, Nanus defines for us what 'the vision thing' is all about. Successful leaders know that nothing drives an organization like an...

James K. Boyce

The Political Economy of the Environment

Economic activities that degrade the environment do not simply pit humans against nature. They also pit some humans against others. Some benefit from these activities, others bear net costs from pollution and resource depletion. In a...

Bary Eichengreen, Barry Eichengreen

Can the Moral Hazard Caused by IMF Bailout be Reduced? Geneva Reports on the World Economy Special Report 1

The need to limit IMF financial rescues is a theme of the literature on how to make the world a safer financial place. Those who propose to simply prohibit IMF rescues assume that it is politically feasible for the Fund to stand aside when a crisis...

Sandra M. McWhorter

Buying Stocks Is Child's Play

We want our children to be financially aware and secure. This book will give you the tools to teach your children about investing in a step-by-step approach. You will also learn company histories of stocks children woul recognize....

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Дневник Анфисы Чеховой. Компания "Новый Диск" представляет Работа Вики Roger J. Dow. Turned On : Eight Vital Insights to Energize Your People, Customers, FORELLENQUINTETT/2TRIOS/ETC.. FORELLENQUINTETT/2TRIOS/ETC. Sven Hassel. Monte Cassino (Cassell Military Paperbacks) NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science for Reduction of Risk and s, Alik Peter J. Wallison. Optional Federal Chartering and Regulation of Insurance D. E. Moggridge. Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography Стивен Кинг. Долорес Клейборн Топ Счетчик Счетчик Alvin D. Hall. Getting Started in Mutual Rory Lipsky. One Trip Around the Sun: A Guide to Using Diet Herbs, Игры Народ.ру Новости
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