Владимир Войнович

Шапка. Два товарища (аудиокнига MP3)

Повесть "Два товарища" и рассказ "Шапка" - продолжение лучших традиций отечественной сатирической литературы (Н.В.Гоголь, М.Е.Салтыков-Щедрин, М.А.Булгаков), воплощенное в стиле современной социально-обличительной прозы. Автор рассказывает "......

З. Г. Минц

Поэтика русского символизма

Настоящий том представляет собой полное собрание исследований З.Г.Минц, посвященных ярчайшему явлению культуры "серебряного века" - символизму. Автор - представитель тартуско-московской литературоведческой школы - анализирует и литературный контекст...

Alexander J. McNeil

Quantitative Risk Management : Concepts, Techniques, and Tools (Princeton Series in Finance)

Book Description The implementation of sound quantitative risk models is a vital concern for all financial institutions, and this trend has accelerated in recent years with regulatory processes such as Basel II. This book provides a comprehensive...

Maria Morris Hambourg

Walker Evans

Amazon.comIn 1930 a disaffected young photographer in New York pointed his camera at two workers shoving a huge sign reading DAMAGED into a truck. With that image, Walker Evans gave birth to the quirky, edgy genre of street photography. Yes, this is...

Joan Fitzpatrick

Shakespeare, Spenser and the Contours of Britain : Reshaping the Atlantic Archipelago

Book Description Issues of gender, religion, and landscape in the works of Shakespeare and Spenser are examined through the lens of colonialism and national identity in this literary critical analysis. This period in early modern English...

S. L. Farrell

Heir of Stone (The Cloudmages #3) (Cloudmages)

The third Cloudmages novel opens amid turmoil and rumors of war. Openly resentful of Banrion Jenna, first holder of the powerful cloch (magical stone), Lamh Shabhala, the royalty of the other Tuathas plot to bring down her and her heirs and claim...

Mike Kennedy

Alien vs. Predator: Thrill of the Hunt (Alien Vs Predator)

Book DescriptionCrafted by acclaimed comics scribe Jason Hall, creator of Pistolwhip, and fan-favorite comics illustrator Roger Robinson (Azrael, Batman: Gotham Nights), all in a value-priced original graphic novel. Cover painting by Society of...

Don S. Dizon

100 Q&A About Ovarian Cancer

Book DescriptionCovers a wide range of topics, including ovarian cancer; risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and side effects; and strategies for coping with emotional and healthcare issues....

Burton F. Porter

Philosophy Through Fiction and Film

Philosophy Through Fiction and Film was written to introduce students to philosophy by means of literature and films as well as the systematic works of philosophers. The book therefore incorporates the perspectives of creative writers and film...

Clinton McLemore

Toxic Relationships and How to Change Them : Health and Holiness in Everyday Life

Book DescriptionIn this groundbreaking book, Dr. Clinton McLemore— a leading expert on interpersonal relationships— gives you a powerful roadmap for promoting healthy and productive relationships. Toxic Relationships draws...

Richard Armstrong

Billy Wilder: American Film Realist

The films of Billy Wilder, from Double Indemnity to Some Like It Hot, are American classics created by a brilliant Austrian in love with his newfound country. This is a re-examination of the key American films of Wilder, often...

<<<  П. Нейпье, Дж. Нейпье. Обезьяны             Peter McMahon. Global Control: Information Technology and Globalization Since ... >>>

Яндекс РБК Arthur L., Jr. Schwartz, Steven D. Kapplin. Alternative Ideas in Real Футбол Головоломка "Закавыка". Вся загадка заключается Morten Bas, Desmond McNeill, Morten Boas. Компьютерные новости Свами Сатьянанда Сарасвати, Свами Муктибодхананада Сарасвати. Хатха Йога Гогле Путешествия Рефераты William Heldman, Lona Cram. Project+ Study Guide Вакансии Л. В. Николайчук, Е. С. Козюк, Э. В. Владимиров. Статистика Роберт Левелин. Внезапное богатство Конференция iXBT.com Компьютерные новости ДМОЗ
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